Arash Dibazar – Casanova Crewfest

$45.00 $197.00 Sale

Arash Dibazar - Casanova CrewfestArash Dibazar – Casanova Crewfest

My name is Arash Dibazar. I am a Martial Artist, Lifestyle Coach, and Professional Pickup Artist.

About myself: I have studied the Pickup Arts for over 10 years now. I was trained by the best (Mystery & Matador from VH1′s The Pickup Artist), and over the years I have developed my own unique style of pickup.I believe that seduction is an instinct that is present in every man, an instinct that can be awakened with the right guidance. My goal is to teach and guide as many men as I can. Are you ready to start living the VIP Lifestyle?0


Recorded: Saturday February 26, 2012

Want to know if Arash can pick up? Well he challenged ANY and ALL coaches to pickup. Watch and see what the result was. When you watch this video you get to see the strength and power he posses and how it can help you with getting women and having more confidence. This took place during the Casanova Crew Fest in LA on February 26. There were many other coaches there and it was packed to capacity during Arash’s speech.

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