ChiKaRa Reiki Do – Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki self-attunement course

$28.00 $97.00 Sale

ChiKaRa Reiki Do – Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki self-attunement course

Yes, it’s absolutely true!

You see, you’ve probably been led to believe, amongst other things, that…

  1. You have to attend the classes of an existing Reiki Master to be attuned to Reiki, haven’t you?
  2. And that you have to take both a Reiki 1 and a Reiki 2 class before you can even consider asking to be attuned to the level of Reiki Master.
  3. You may also have been told it’s compulsory to wait for a certain amount of time between classes before you can move on.
  4. And the whole procedure needs a considerable commitment in both time and money.

In fact, some Reiki teachers even go so far as to tell you that you have to undertake an extremely expensive, twelve-month minimum, apprenticeship before you can become a Reiki Master!

But, you’ll no doubt be surprised, and very happy, to hear…

That all those ‘requirements’ just don’t make any sense at all and are totally unnecessary!


Because it’s not how the accepted founder of modern day Reiki, Mikao Usui himself, was attuned to Reiki.

So, it’s not how YOU have to do it either.

So, let’s take a closer look at how Mikao Usui, Actually became attuned to Reiki…

…for there’s a profound and simple truth about Reiki most people either don’t know or don’t want to talk about…

…and it’s the 5th and most important, thing you really MUST know…

Mikao Usui, the founding father of modern day Reiki, actually attuned himself to Reiki all those years ago!

Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-one else there on the mountain to do it for him!

(Yes, some people say a great light came out of the darkness, hit Usui in the forehead and gave him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).

No, what actually happened was…


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!