Chloe Goodchild – Your Vocal Impulse

$52.00 $297.00 Sale


Chloe Goodchild – Your Vocal Impulse

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-step transformational journey, Chloë will guide you through a rigorous range of core vocal practices and sound initiation. She will challenge you to find out, express, and give voice — as an individual and as part of a collective field — to the vocal impulse that is your birthright.

Each module will be accompanied by a meditative or energy movement, a poem, a love song, and a devotional chant or sacred mantra that highlights the specific mood, emotional energy, or mode of consciousness for that session.

Teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Chloë will guide you on this journey. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access your vocal impulse.

Module 1: The Vocal Impulse: Your Initiation into a Quantum Voice Experience

Remember the lips where the wind-breath
originated, and let your note be clear.
Don’t try to end it.
Be your note.

Your vocal impulse is a unique wake-up call from your soul, untouched by cultural conditioning. It also awakens the desire to explore sound as you inseparable from the One…

Vocal expression as a spiritual practice can be heard in Asian classical raga, contemplative Christian music such as Gregorian chant, and Indigenous ceremonial prayers, chant, and song.

In India, it is the four-string tanpura, or portable keyboard harmonium, that holds the musical drone sound of a “recurring, unchanging note.” In this first module, Chloe will play the harmonium to provide a sound foundation and to help you build a new confidence in your vocal expression. .

In this powerful first module, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 aspects of the Quantum Voice and how it connects you with non-dual consciousness and communication
  • Simple vocal practices in self-inquiry and non-judgemental listening to open your capacity to simultaneously observe, listen to, and express yourself intuitively, with ease and aliveness
  • How your vocal impulse can invoke, inspire, and initiate a deeper calling.
  • Your voice as a spiritual practice for sound healing, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and courage.
  • Your capacity to express yourself in ways you never imagined possible

Module 2: Your Inner Voice: Where Silence, Sound & The Witness Meet

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.
Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being.

Strengthening your witnessing mind empowers you to observe yourself, your emotions, and your relationships with an all-inclusive acceptance and benign indifference.

In the second live class with Chloe, you’ll develop a deeper contact with your witness consciousness to serve your evolving vocal journey as you further equip yourself with the tools to navigate, heal and transform the stories that have gotten lost, forgotten, or frozen in your body.

A deep peace originates within the source of your sound. As you build and strengthen your ability to listen deeply without judgement, you’ll move from a state of self-conscious to “sound-conscious’ expression — and train your ego mind to serve the song of your soul.

You’ll also discover:

  • A deeper understanding of the unchanging note found in all mystical, shamanic, and indigenous sound-making
  • A depth of stillness and unconditional presence within your sound beyond self-judgement and self-censorship
  • The Seven Sounds of Love, a chakra-based map of the sacred sounds of body-centered singing
  • The healing vibrations of these seven tonal energies and their power to awaken and embrace the narrative coherence of your life
  • A sacred mantra to restore and strengthen your connection to your native state of unconditional presence

Module 3: Your Longing Voice: Responding to the Call of Your Soul

There is some kiss we want with our whole lives
The touch of spirit on the body
Seawater begs the pearl
And the lily, how passionately she longs for some darling….

When the vocal impulse rouses your attention, you gain access to a new way of perceiving your voice as the mouthpiece of your soul. A seamless link appears between your breath and you emotional self, your inner sound and your unique personal sound.

For many people, the experience of depression, irritability, frustration, or loneliness are little more than emotional camouflage for deep longing. However, the gift of this longing is its ability to highlight places in your awareness or life where you may be missing a connection with your deepest sound.

Longing is a restlessness of the soul, and as Rumi says, “a guide from the beyond” that can lead you home.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The Sounding Your Name practice, in which you’ll shift between your spoken and sung voice — and open to your unique soul sound
  • A “Sound into Soul Communication” practice to invoke and improvise your longing within, between, and beyond words
  • How to locate the presence of longing in your body through unconditional awareness and embrace of its mood, colour, and sensation
  • How to invite the unredeemed vibrations of difficult or stuck emotions to come out to play within the field of non-judgemental listening and presence
  • A Sound Energy movement to strengthen your capacity to listen and forgive yourself and others

Module 4: Your Instinctual Voice: Where Sound Meets Intention

Your journey with the sound current has prepared you to strengthen your Instinctual Voice with awareness and creative intention — and in the process, you’ve empowered your body-mind and soul to acknowledge and embody your deepest purpose and intention for your life.

In this Module, you will learn how to use this empowerment to acknowledge and take full responsibility for your life’s purpose. Your instinctual power centre or “hara” is the sonic laboratory where you will engage with the narratives, wounds, shame, loss, and grief stories of your past.

Here, you will confront, engage, redeem, and restore the lost and forgotten voices of your past. By accessing the true resonance of your sound and voice to discern, express, and share the truth of your own history and the power you gained from your experiences, you’ll gain momentum for a deeper, more courageous engagement with your true values, meaning, and worth in the world.

In this module, you will:

  • Discover the Heart Sutra — a potent and sacred mantra of ‘Wisdom Emptiness Perfection,” inspiring compassion for yourself and others
  • Connect with ancient sounds to cultivate the compassionate ground needed to facilitate the emergence of your deepest intentions
  • Explore how love poetry can grow a more subtle, harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic vocabulary for expressing your true self
  • Experience the empowerment that flows naturally from the imaginal chemistry between your spoken and sung voice

Module 5: Your Heart Voice: Empowering Your Intuitive Mind

You are now ready to awaken the energy of Love within and through your true voice, and to integrate your instinctual body with your intuitive mind. This is a massive evolution in consciousness, and one that can help you bridge the realm of the microcosmic sense of “my will” with the macrocosmic reality of “Thy Will.”

Your Heart Voice blossoms in its fullness only once you cultivate a sense of being anchored “at home” in your instinctual body-mind. However, this isn’t an either-or experience, nor a one-time event — the Heart is forever healing all realms of your being. In this regard, timeless devotional songs and prayers are profound in their capacity to unblock and heal the wounds of shame and unworthiness that may be keeping you stuck in a sense of separation from your true self, other people, and the Divine.

While you awaken the energies of love in yourself and strengthen your intuitive mind, you’ll also:

  • Discover how “major” (happy) and “minor” (sad) musical modes can serve to enrich your emotional expression
  • Cultivate comfort with the transformative art of articulating your emotions with musical modes
  • Explore how your devotional sound strengthens your Heart’s generosity, empathy, and loving presence
  • Create a love poem to illuminate and enchant your awakening Heart
  • Learn to express your heart song more masterfully as longing, invocation, prayer, devotion, and spontaneous improvisation

Module 6: Your Medicine Voice: Where Sound Befriends & Heals all Parts of You

Your Medicine Voice is a portal into your full potential for sound healing. Its resonance has the capacity to melt and release the remnants of your wounded soul. Your medicine voice is a shamanic gift, received by grace in a gradual revelation through your intimate dance with your true sound.

Your Medicine Voice heralds and activates the compassionate music of your soul, in the process redeeming and releasing your “old life.” A consummate healer, it is the voice that empowers you to transmit the rich blessings of your intuition and compassion.

With this exploration, you’ll discover:

  • How your Medicine Voice gives you access to your soul song treasures, in the process dissolving illusions and attachments
  • A fierce and gentle medicine for your ongoing journey empowering you to walk a life path rooted in humility and service.
  • Standing in the Presence, an in-depth meditation practice for the Medicine Voice honoring your entire history and being.
  • How your connection to your Medicine Voice gives you the responsibility to care for the landscape of your soul and all souls entrusted to your care.

Module 7: Your Wisdom Voice: Where Sound Becomes Your Gift to the World

In this final module, we will gather as practitioners to celebrate the transformative impact of our Vocal Impulse. In this sacred circle, we will share the fruits of this journey and the power of our individual and collective work.

When we live in the resonance of our Wisdom Voice, our very vibration is a gift that serves both us and the world at large. We become expressions of evolution, crafting a new story and a new way of Being … emotionally rich, unconditionally accepting, and living in relationship with our deepest truth.

In Module 7, we will celebrate:

  • The transformative impact of contacting our individual Vocal Impulse
  • Our courageous journeys on Earth inspired by our authentic voices
  • The return of our original sound, speech, and songs of unification and creation
  • The collective evolution that is possible as we sound a new world into Being

Your Vocal Impulse Bonus Collection

(A $200+ Value!)

In addition to Chloë’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Seven Sounds of Love
PDF Book Chapter From Chloë Goodchild

This chapter from Chloë’s book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Sound, will enhance your experience during the 7-week course and serve as an indispensable guide and reference for all participants.

Sound Awareness: An Everyday Singing Practice
Audio Album From Chloë Goodchild

Sound Awareness offers a simple and profound singing practice for everyone. It’s a vocal meditation, a way to embody spirit in sound. It will strengthen your inner-outer voice, relax your mind and awaken the witness consciousness; your capacity to listen to yourself without judgement.

Take a journey from the source of sound with the sacred AUM; through the Seven Chakra Mantra which strengthens the spine and vertical axis of awareness; to the Heart Sutra, which awakens gratitude and compassion for the personal and collective Self.

Liberate Your Authentic Voice: Discover the Sound of Your Soul
Audio recording from the Thriving in Your Third Act Summit 2017

At the heart of The Naked Voice teachings is a central understanding that your authentic voice is a sacred gift, whose sound reveals a wisdom… older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict. Join Chloe Goodchild, founder of The Naked Voice, and learn how this wisdom — spoken, sung, or silent — bridges divides, honors the shadow, retrieves lost voices, embraces opposites, inspires interconnectedness, and restores the sound of undivided wholeness.

During this heart- (and voice!)-opening session, you’ll discover:

  • Deep listening practices to enable you to hear yourself without judgement
  • How to express your soul, through spoken and sung voice, with authenticity and grace
  • An expanding awareness of the power of your sound for personal and global transformation

The Heart’s Voice
Audio recording

The Heart’s Voice is a new recording of Chloe reading from her latest book, The Naked Voice, Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound. Both science and spirituality agree that every particle of matter, every phenomenon we experience, is a form of resonance or vibration. The human voice is quite literally a mouthpiece of this truth; there is no form of expression more personal, more tied to our identities, than our voices. With simple inspirational exercises, this book gives readers the tools to guide them in a process of sound healing and soul communication that is guaranteed to open the heart and restore forgiveness, compassion, and interconnectedness between individuals and in their communities.

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