Coach Kyle – Game 101

$40.00 $197.00 Sale

Coach Kyle – Game 101

How to win every interaction, from open to closed

Game 101 This guide will help you attract women in real life. My brain is leaking thousands of hours of my experience into yours.
Game 101 It includes more than 10 hours of lessons as well as several hours’ worth of infield footage in which I approach women.
These real facts are broken down by me-Life interactions to help you understand why I do what you do and how to get women to respond the same way to you. Learning by example is the most powerful way to learn. You’re about see infield footage of masters at work.-level game looks like. It’s a lot like The Matrix scene where Neo learns martial arts instantly through a digital download.
This is the course for you if your goal is to elevate your game. This course is not for those who want to be politically correct or esoteric nonsense.-goodery. This is the exact formula to achieving the dating success I had for years. But it takes a fraction of the time.

Although it may seem impossible, getting girls wasn’t something that came easily to me. I was once a geek who found it easier to chat with my World of Warcraft guildmates than to speak to a cute girl.

Hell, in high school I only slept with one girl (and I’m not even that attracted).

But I realized that I wanted more in my life. Pickup became my obsession. I spent a tremendous amount of time learning about the game. I have sex with thousands of women over the years. I have been on hundreds of dates with many girls.
In Game 101I combine everything I have learned from my successes and put it into a simple formula that even a high school dropout could understand.

Ten years ago, I was more likely to become a pro-gamer than the most popular pickup coach in the country.

But here I am. That was the transformation I undertook, and it has been a success. Game 101I will help you make the same changes in your life.

This isn’t the philosophical, feeling kind of stuff.-You’re a good B.S. You’re comfortable with. These are the steps that you can take in order to have the success you desire with women.

It doesn’t matter if you struggle to get the attention of a cute girl.

Download it immediately Coach Kyle – Game 101

When you start to implement this program in your life, your cute girls will be so nervous around you that they won’t hesitate to ask for your time.

This is my exact blueprint to achieving the dating success that I achieved in years, but it takes a fraction of the time.

I know you are tired of being rushed by coaches. You didn’t join the game to learn all about female psychology. You were there to make friends with girls and build your self-esteem.-Have confidence and go on dates with women.

A series of lectures will explain everything you need in order to enjoy a romantic life. You don’t need to have a PhD in pickup knowledge to date a girl. Follow the tips and videos to get started. It’s that simple.

Here’s what you will get:
10+ Hours of Structured Lessons & Infield Breakdowns
Game 101 – How To Open: Mindsets & Frame, How to Calibrate, Approach Anxiety, Making It Man-To-Woman ($147 Value).
Game 102 – Attraction: How Attraction Workes, Attraction Triggers. How To Create A Spark. “Friend-Zone” ($147 Value)
Game 103 – Storytelling & Communication: How to hook girls into your frame through “key” words & compelling stories ($147 Value)
Game 104 & 105 – Comfort & Connection: Understanding Comfort, Making a Connection, Letting Her Guard Down, Creating Deep Connection ($294 Value)
Game 106 – Bedroom Escalation: How to Get her in Bed, How To Escalate to Sex, Breakdown Field reports, My Successes/Failures ($197 Value).
Game 107 – Bedroom Closing Pt 2: My Bedroom Failures, Vital Lessons Learned, Analyzing Field Reports ($197 Value)
BONUS – Infield Footage & Breakdowns: Hours of infield footage paused and analyzed so you can learn my exact thought process in set ($297 Value)
This is well over $1400 in value but you’re getting it ALL
Right now, only $197

No hidden fees. No recurring charges!

Here’s What You Will Get In Coach Kyle – Game 101

Coach Kyle - Game 101 SERIES

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