Coffee Break French Season 1- 4 Audio and Extras

$32.00 $104.00 Sale

Coffee Break French Season 1- 4 Audio and Extras

Coffee Break French Season 1- 4 Audio and Extras

Price: $104


Coffee Break French

Free podcasts

Listen to our free podcasts and learn or improve your French on the go, where and when it suits you.

Online courses

Take the next step and sign up for a course on the Coffee Break Academy, accessing video materials, lesson notes and bonus audio content.

Join in

Improve your vocabulary, build your language skills and keep up with the Coffee Break French team on social media.

Choose your level …

Our main structured Coffee Break French course is currently available in four levels, represented by each “season”. Each season features 40 lessons. If you’re already an advanced learner, click here to find out more about our latest course

Each series is slightly different in the way in which it is presented and in the materials provided. Scroll down for more information and to find out about our other courses.

Your Coffee Break … your way

Free podcasts

Each Season of Coffee Break French offers a huge amount of free content available as audio podcasts. You can access these on our website, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify and each lesson lasts around 15-20 minutes – the perfect Coffee Break length!

Online course

If you’d like to take your learning further and make faster progress, we offer a full online course for each Season. Resources include bonus audio materials, video episodes and lesson notes. See below for further details for each Season.

Season 1

Join teacher Mark and learner Anna for 40 lessons of basic French. You’ll start by learning to introduce yourself and master greetings, and then work through a range of topics which are useful to anyone travelling in a French-speaking area. You’ll not simply be repeating phrases: instead you’ll learn how the language works and you’ll understand what you’re saying.

Season 2

In Season 2 you’ll build your understanding of French, moving on from a beginner’s level to an intermediate level. You’ll learn about how the language works and to “say what you want to say”, manipulating the language in a variety of tenses. You’ll join learner Anna and teacher Mark, and cover a range of topics, building a solid understanding of French grammar through the lessons of Season 2.

Season 3

Season 3 will help you take your French a stage further, to an upper intermediate level. You’ll be following the story of three students of the language who are taking a French course in the city of Nice on the French Riviera. Through the journal entries of Katy, Alf and Veronica, you’ll be exposed to a range of complex structures and interesting vocabulary.

Season 4

Season 4 is aimed at advanced students of French. You’ll be following the story of Sylvie, who is working at a Parisian publishing company, and Matthieu, a young accountant, also working in the city. Over the course of the 40 lessons of the series, you’ll develop a solid understanding of complex grammar and idiomatic expressions. The course is presented by teacher Mark and native speaker Pierre-Benoît.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!