ConversionXL – Dan Shure – SEO Driven Editorial Calendar

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ConversionXL – Dan Shure – SEO Driven Editorial Calendar

ConversionXL – Dan Shure – SEO Driven Editorial Calendar

Keyword research and basic SEO can only take you so far.

Implementing technical SEO could be the difference between ranking on Page 1…or never being indexed. You need to know how to audit your site for technical SEO needs and improvements so you can get more visitors, leads, sales and signups for your business.

This course give you deep, current knowledge of technical SEO: the behind-the-scenes components like site structure, JavaScript, and structured data that can have a massive impact on rankings. Whether you’re barely familiar with these components or simply want to ensure you’re up to date, this course covers each in detail.

Introduction video (1 min)

After taking this course, you’ll…

  • Know what is important in a technical audit and how to start one yourself.
  • Be able to optimize on-page content with the right keywords & page structure.
  • Understand what a good URL structure is and how you can influence crawl behavior.
  • Know how to use JavaScript frameworks to influence technical SEO.
  • Easily create XML sitemaps to help you better understand content & index rates.
  • Be skilled at marking up your content with structured data so it can extract entities.
  • Be able to decide on the right domain strategy, URL structure, content & keywords while working across multiple countries.

This course is right for you if you…

  • Handle SEO for a large, complex website and organic traffic growth from on-page optimizations has plateaued.
  • Believe that a lack of technical SEO knowledge is keeping you from making clear, persuasive recommendations to your development team or clients.

This course is NOT for you if…

  • You are looking for the latest code to apply to your site in order to rank better or are looking for a plugin to solve all your issues.
  • You are a beginner or you don’t have any experience with SEO and you want to optimize your site. Likely too much of the content will be too intermediate-advanced for you.
  • You are particularly interested in the other areas of SEO, this course doesn’t go into the specifics of how to build a link, optimize your H1 or do keyword research.

Skills you should have before taking this course…

  • You have experience working with HTML and JavaScript and you know their fundamentals.
  • You have experience working with Google Analytics, you don’t have to be an expert.
  • You understand the fundamentals of SEO and can identify the different areas; link building, content optimization, local SEO, international SEO.

Because this is an intermediate-to-advanced course, students should be familiar with SEO basics, including how search engines work, fundamentals of design-friendly SEO, and the importance of publishing and linking high-quality content from other high authority sites.

Martijn Scheijbeler

Martijn Scheijbeler is the VP Marketing at RVshare where he leads demand generation, analytics, retention & loyalty, branding, customer experience, marketing strategy, and product development. Obviously, SEO is part of all of that.

Prior to RVshare, he built out the SEO function for both Postmates and The Next Web where he advanced to become their Director of Marketing. He writes blog posts on Technical SEO via his blog,, and is a featured guest blogger for ConversionXL, The Next Web and many others.

Your full course curriculum

Technical SEO

Lesson 1

Technical SEO, the basics

In the first class, we’ll be guiding you through the basics of Technical SEO, we’ll teach you about what a page looks like (its HTML), how it’s made up and what you can immediately improve when you look at a page (meta tags, on-page content).

Get immediately download ConversionXL, Martijn Scheijbeler – Technical SEO

Topics Covered:

  • What tools can you use to crawl a site to learn more about the technical issues & improvements?
  • How does a search engine look at your page and ‘understand’ what it’s about?
  • META Tags: Description, Keywords, Robots, Canonical, Open Graph, Twitter Cards, HREFlang.
  • Content Tags: Headings, Styling, Paragraphs, Internal Links & Image Optimization, Broken Links.
  • Starting a crawl, using tools to crawl your site to learn more about Technical SEO.
Lesson 2

URL Structures & Indexing

In the second lesson, we’ll go in-depth about how to create a good URL structure and what tools you have to guide crawlers around your site and how to prevent them from accessing certain areas. We’ll talk about how you can streamline what crawlers look at and what kind of tools you have to influence this.

Topics Covered:

  • Pagination: How do you handle pagination for (category) pages.
  • URL Structure: What is a good URL structure and what isn’t & how should URLs be build up.
  • Robots.txt: How to influence crawl behavior and exclude crawlers from certain areas.
  • URL Parameters: Provide signals to search engines on what parameters are actually useful or not.
  • Internal Linking: How do you link to other pages, why does it matter and what can you do to improve relevance across ‘silos’ of pages?
Lesson 3

Crawl Behaviour & Crawlability

Lesson three explores the abilities you have to follow crawlers and what learnings come from that. As part of this class, we’ll talk about the tools you have to influence crawlability.

Topics Covered:

  • Crawl Errors & Crawl Budget
  • Status Codes (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)
  • Redirects (Apache/Nginx)
    • WWW / NONWWW
    • 301/302
    • 500
    • 302
    • 410
  • Log File Analysis: What does a request look like.
    • What does the user agent of Google look like?
  • JavaScript rendering: React, Angular, Vue, SSR/CSR, SPA, etc.
  • Analyzing data from Headers
Lesson 4


Not every page on your site is always visible to a search engine, or what if you add hundreds of pages. That’s where sitemaps come in, they’ll give you the tools to provide search engines with an overview of your content and give you the insights into what pages are being crawled & indexed.

Topics Covered:

  • XML Sitemaps; how to build the perfect XML sitemaps.
  • HTML Sitemaps.
Lesson 5

Structured Data Markup

Does a search engine really understand what your content is about? With structured data, you give the search engines a better idea by marking up your content. It will help search engines understand what a particular entity means and how it relates to others.

Topics Covered:

  • Structured data and how it helps you and search engines.
  • & JSON-LD: The basics.
  • The most recurring snippets you’ll need.
Lesson 6

Improving site/page speed

What is fast and what isn’t? This lesson introduces techniques that can improve site speed and what tools there are that better inform you of this.

Topics Covered:

  • Analyzing waterfalls
  • DNS Prefetch/Prerender
  • Lazy loading
  • Caching
  • Server Requests
Lesson 7

International SEO

If your organization operates in multiple countries there are certain steps you have to take in order to make sure that you have optimized for all technical aspects. You don’t want a German page ranking for your US customers and vice versa. In this lesson, we’ll talk about tools available to optimize your site for international SEO.

Lesson 8

The future of Technical SEO

Is AI going to take over the world? In this lesson, we’ll talk about the new technologies (that have been available for a bit) that are steering the way websites will operate in the future.

Topics Covered:

  • SEO Experimentation
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Edge SEO

Show off your new skills: Get a certificate of completion

Once the course is over, pass a test to earn a CXL certification.

Add it to your resume, your LinkedIn profile or just get that well-earned raise you’ve been waiting for.

CXL Institute is an authorized LinkedIn education provider

You can add your education, certificates, badges – everything you learned and earned at CXL Institute into the Education section of your profile.

SEO shouldn’t be an afterthought. It should be the backbone of your content strategy.

As a content marketer, you know planning your editorial calendar with SEO growth in mind is really hard.

How do you know what keywords to use and how many pages you need to actually rank?

Whether you’re an editor, strategist or writer, you can’t just treat SEO as nice-to-have. It should be the backbone of your content strategy.

Introduction video (1 min)

Dan is who CXL turns to for any SEO help.

Diego Chacon, Product Manager at CXL

After taking this course, you’ll:

  • Have a proven process for how to build your SEO editorial calendar from scratch.
  • Understand everything from keyword research to pairing topics with the right content type.
  • Know how to find topics that will rank and get you more traffic.
  • Strategically align SEO, marketing and business goals in order to sustainably grow site traffic.

I credit the evolutionary success of our re-brand to Dan Shure of Evolving SEO.

Jon Morrow, Owner of SmartBlogger

This course is right for you if you are…

  • Struggling to fill your content calendar with topics to help grow search traffic and rank.
  • Not sure when a page should target multiple keywords or just one.
  • Confused by all the different SEO myths and advice – like the “right” length of content or where to put keywords in your content.

This course is NOT for you if you are…

  • Have no idea what SEO or search volume mean.
  • Only interested in creating content and prefer leaving the SEO stuff to someone else.

Skills you should have before taking this course…

  • Basic Google Sheets skills
  • Basic understanding of keyword metrics like search volume or the idea of keyword difficulty
  • Experience with content – writing, planning or strategy.

As a results driven marketer, Dan never takes anything at face value. He thoroughly investigates every avenue through which growth can be capitalized on and presents innovative solutions that challenge the status quo. Dan’s work has absolutely been critical to our online success.

Keith Johnstone, head of marketing @ Peak Sales Recruiting

Dan Shure

Dan is an SEO consultant and co-owner of Evolving SEO with his wife Sarah.

As a consultant, he has helped companies like WGBH (Boston’s NPR and PBS), Sumo, HBR and more solve challenging SEO problems and grow traffic up to 20x.

His popular, entirely self-produced SEO Podcast “Exports on the Wire” has amassed almost a half a million downloads since launching in 2016.

Dan’s SEO articles and interviews have appeared in publications such as The Next Web,, Moz and Entrepreneurs on Fire — and he has spoken at leading marketing conferences like Social Media Marketing World, Content Jam and SMX.

Get Download Jon Morrow – Content Marketing Certification


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!