Dan Henry – 30 Day Agency

$77.00 $997.00 Sale

Dan Henry - 30 Day AgencyDan Henry – 30 Day Agency

Price: $997

The Fastest Way to 6 Figures without a Boss is “30 Day Agency”… PERIOD!

24/7 Lifetime Access. Work at Your Own Pace.

Introducing 30 Day Agency

30 Day Agency is a proven and tested 4 week implementation program that teaches you how to start a wildly profitable 6-figure Agency business and help you get your first client in 30 days.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.

Battle tested and proven results

The methods taught in the 30 Day Agency program have been battle tested and proven with over 2,400 students around the world.

The program has created helps hundreds of people quit their jobs, and created dozens of people making $10,000 or more per month.

These students are awarded the “$10K Club Award” for their success with the program.

When You Join 30 Day Agency, You

Get Full & Immediate Access To:

Module 1: Getting Results For Clients-

Mastering the A.C.T method for any business!

*Finding winning offers that work for any business

*Advertise: Creating ads on Facebook and Instagram

*Capture: Creating the Capture Pages

*Transform: Getting the info to the clients so they can make the sale

Module 2: Landing Your First Client

All about getting that first trial client!

*How to set up your entire new business in 24 hours (and how to accept payments)

*Tricks of the trade: How to get trial clients fast

* Choosing the right clients and how to structure the deal for success

*How to onboard your first client

Module 3: Scaling To Multiple Clients

Growing your business with paid clients

*How to create a winning case study/ sales funnel that attracts paying clients

*How to create a winning ACT funnel to attract new clients

*How to close prospects on the phone and get paid

*7 ways to find new clients every day

Module 4: Managing Your Agency

How to run, automate, and outsource your agency

*How to manage multiple clients

*How to automate your ad campaigns to save you time

*How to outsource logistics and customer service

Here’s a summary of everything you get…

This is not your typical “course”. We provide you with everything you need to be successful

The Complete 30 Day Agency Program

So you can run winning ads for yourself, clients, and even high end offers… ($2,997 Value)

Access to the Get Clients Private Mastermind Group

So you can strategize and get help from previous students that are killing it. Over 2,300 members and extremely active!

($2,997 Value)

Ad Critique Videos

So you can see the little details in what people did right and wrong when creating ads so yo can create better advertisements for your clients.

($997 Value)

Sample Proposals, Contracts, and On-Boarding Videos

So you can bring on new clients with ease and get them set up properly.

($497 Value)

Winning Offers Cheat Sheet

So you can have a list of winning offers to reference when creating campaigns for your clients. ($997 Value)

Bonus #1:Realtime Client Walkthroughs

So you can reference my winning ads and follow the process step by step while creating your client campaigns
($1,997 Value)

Bonus #2: Automated Case Study Funnel

So you can get potential clients to schedule a call with you and sell them on your services

($997 Value)

Bonus #3: 30 Day Client Acquisition Calendar

So you can get results fast and land a ton of clients in 30 days ($1997 Value)

Sale Page: https://go.getclients.com/enroll-now
Archive: http://archive.is/tXjps

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!