Daniel Pena – Raising Capital


Daniel Pena – Raising Capital

About Daniel Peña

Daniel S. Peña, Sr., is Founder and Chairman of The Guthrie Group is a successful business coach. Based in the UK, The Guthrie Group is a consortium which act to facilitate European financial transactions on the buy and, or sell side.
He was also the founder, former Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Great Western Resources, Inc. (GWRI), a Houston (USA)-based natural resources company. At the time of Mr. Peña’s decision to retire, GWRI was operational in the US, the Gulf of Mexico, the UK and South America. At the time the company was acquired (January 1997), he was the largest individual shareholder.

In an 8-year period, starting with only $820, Mr. Peña grew Great Western Resources to $445 million while energy prices collapsed, the price of oil dropped from $40 to less than $8 per barrel and more than 10,000 energy companies in the US alone went out of business.

About the product

“How do I get the Money?!?” is the question most often asked!
This 10-hour live presentation answers that question. Dan not only presents a step-by-step guide on Raising Capital, but the live seminar includes questions (and their answers) from the seminar attendees.

In this amazing program, you’ll discover:

• How to get your bank to say YES! Real world, no-nonsense advice that will help you get all the money you need for any business venture!

• Unusual ways to raise huge sums of cash even if you’re bankrupt and broke!

• How to quickly assemble your “dream team” that practically guarantees you will get financed!

• Why you don’t need a business plan to raise a ton of money! (Dan has raised BILLIONS of dollars and he has never-ever written a business plan!)

• How to create instant credibility and leverage yourself using other peoples’ track records!

• Powerful financing techniques, including intelligent “nothing down” formulas. Dan will show you the smart way to buy a business with little or no money down!

• Discover how you can have venture capitalists chasing you with money for your project!

• Dan also guides the attendees in “role-playing” of actually making a presentation to a banker (moneylender). Finally! You’ll know exactly what to say to overcome every objection!

• And much, much more!

The bottom line is Raising Capital is an absolute must for all those who need to raise money! After listening to these tapes you won’t ever be worried or afraid of getting the money needed. You will have been handed the blueprint for success in “raising capital”. You’ll never need another course on “getting the money” for your dream.

Archive: https://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l30/Joel_017/raising_capital.gif

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