Darren Weissman – Life Line Training Session


Darren Weissman - Life Line Training Session

Darren Weissman – Life Line Training Session

For Darren Weissman – Life Line Training Session

The LifeLine Technique® is a philosophy, science, technology, and experience that combines aspects of 14 plus holistic healing modalities into one unified system.

It’s a roadmap and blueprint of the subconscious mind that allows us to hack the mind to heal unprocessed emotions. It transforms a tormenting mind of anxiety, fear, and overwhelm to a conscious choosing mind of calm confidence, clarity of vision, action, and ultimately inner peace regardless of circumstances.

The LifeLine Technique® empowers individuals to manifest optimal emotional and physical health and well-being, spiritual flow, and deep resilience. Through a daily practice of self sessions or being led by a Certified LifeLine Practitioner (CLP), students and clients are guided to intentionally move through the stressful challenges and changes of life.

Any and all patterns of being stuck, struggling, and suffering are demystified while opening a new dialogue and narrative naturally leading to self-love and compassionate self-talk.

“I’ve experienced Dr. Darren Weissman ‘up close and personal’ and his healing work is the wave of the future. In fact, I would dare say the future is now. I highly recommend The Lifeline Technique®…because I know it works.”

– Louise L. Hay

New York Times Best Selling Author of You Can Heal Your Life 

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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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