David Tian – Purpose


David Tian – Purpose

How to Find Yourself Purpose The Research in Psychology and Neuroscience reveals that you can live a great life.

You can have the life you want, but it is possible to change your mind. But, one thing that will never change is your overall life purpose, who and what you value, as well as the values that you desire to live.

Based on research in neuroscience and psychology, in PURPOSE has been shown to be a 5-Module online coaching program that will help guide you to find your deeper purpose. It encompasses all aspects in your life.

The meditative process in PURPOSE will help you reveal and become clear on your life’s mission statement, so you can define your continuous, ongoing purpose and focus.

It reaches deep into your unconscious to help you discover what motivates you so that you are better equipped to make decisions about what you want for your life.

Then you’ll go through 8 simple steps to uncover the purpose of your life, which will empower and guide you.

It will also change your life in these ways:

  • You’ll be able to experience happiness in your everyday life and will no longer have to delay gratification and happiness until you reach your goals.
  • You’ll be driven by a powerful life purpose that will inspire and naturally propel you forward as you’ll be in the moment and experiencing a life of flow.
  • You will have a purpose for your life that is not dictated by the opinions of society, your parents or your peers. Instead, it will be based on what you believe it should be.
  • You’ll stop living in the past or the future and will start to truly enjoy your life by living in and optimizing the present… which is what will bring you fulfillment.

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David Tian - Purpose

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