David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0 ( Mp4 )

$37.00 $129.00 Sale

David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0


  1. To increase your ocular circulation, calm your nervous system.
  2. To avoid strain and discomfort, improve your eye movement to ensure you can see in all directions.
  3. To focus more effectively, use greater precision when directing your eyes to see both close and far.
  4. You can improve the coordination between your body, brain, and eyes to enhance your 3D vision.

This program includes nine Awareness Through Movement® lessons, four action processes, and six discussions. You will need one jugglingball and one eye patch to experience the Action Processes. Seeing Clearly program.)

Download immediately David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

Seeing Clearly It is designed for success and offers many benefits. These lessons can improve ocular circulation, relax the muscles of your eyes, and help you move and focus more effectively. They will also reduce dependency on glasses and the symptoms of computer vision syndrome and anxiety. It will promote balance, as well as a healthy parasympathetic state. David Webber He was a gifted teacher and his work is a gift for us all.

“I recommend Seeing Clearly for people with a wide range of eye difficulties, and often use elements of David Webber’s work in Functional Integration® situations related to chronic head, neck, jaw pain, as well as balance issues. I suspect you will find it as intelligent and generative as I do!”

– David Zemach-Bersin, GCFP, Feldenkrais Trainer

“David Webber is a remarkable person. His personal knowledge, developed in his struggle to find functional vision for himself after severe loss, combined with his use of the Feldenkrais Method, makes his approach useful for everyone.”

—Carl Ginsburg, Ph.D., Feldenkrais Trainer
Here’s What You Will Get In David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0
Screen Recording 2021-08-03 at PM

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