Docc Hilford – The NEW Perfect Mental Club Act

$29.00 $199.00 Sale

Docc Hilford - The NEW Perfect Mental Club ActDocc Hilford – The NEW Perfect Mental Club Act

The Blurb

The NEW Perfect Mental Club Act.

It’s the most practical, UNWRITTEN Q&A act possibly ever devised.
Docc has been performing it for YEARS, but it’s evolved into SOMETHING BRAND NEW!

The Over 20 years of work by many mentalists and professionals, there have been numerous changes to the original act. This makes it a completely new act. NEW Act now, re-This website was created from the ground up to appeal to a modern audience.

You can now perform a quick-A fast-paced, mental show that keeps the audience’s attention. This amazing act is perfect for those who want to work in comedy clubs, nightclubs, or corporate circuits. This is the act that keeps on giving. Docc Hilford All over the world.

Alexander Nelson: “I’m proud to endorse Docc’s new Q&A act as one of the best unwritten Q&As I’ve ever seen.”

Bascom Jones of Magick stated, “This is the one true way to do a Q&A act!”

Richard Webster: “This act should sell for $1000.00. There’s a living here for the wise performer.”

If you want to have a FUNNY, AMAZING and COMPELLING unwritten Q&A act that can be carried in one hand, requires no pre-show work or impression devices of any kind, produces startling hits and completely sells the audience on your abilities as a mind reader…


•  I’m invariably mobbed by men and women seeking readings after he does this act.

•  Both comedy and drama are built in to the act.

•  You’ll encounter no surprise questions.

•  From beginning to end, you are in complete control.

•  There are even pitches for your book and for readings worked into the script.

The NEW Perfect Mental Club Act This revolutionizes the mental act and makes it something people really want to see. It’s commercial in the true sense of the word – people will pay to see it and like what they see.

The Pro-This package includes:

•  MP4 Video instructions,

•  MP3 audio details.

•  PDF script of all the lines, reading and FULL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS!

•  A full recording of the performed script.

AS A BONUS you get…

Download Haled immediately Docc Hilford – The NEW Perfect Mental Club Act

AREADY TO PRINT – Back-This is-The-The room sales book entitled
TELLING FORTUNES – CARDS: You will be able to print under your NAME!
This book has 104 pages. It will be your chance to show you as an author.

This is not the same old stuff that has been rehashed.

It’s the NEW Q&A for the 21st Century.

Jheff’s Guide

Downloadable PDF, audio and video files

However, it does not address the important point that playing card are used.  This is not a collection of card effects.  The Revelations only verify the cards that each participant chose. The script (and the instruction materials) makes this very clear.  Although the cards are vital to the routine, they can be forgotten about by both the participants and the audience, just like billets.

You can have a little of everything-time preparation involving scissors, glue, and/or writing, depending on the method you’d like to use.

Parlour, stage

It is a smart idea to invest in a routine that top professionals love and use.  This revolutionary routine was first published more than twenty years back. Its new version packs flat and is a big hit with people.


Shipping method

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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