Don Tolman – Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. 1, 2, and 3

$32.00 $250.00 Sale

Don Tolman – Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. 1, 2, and 3

Volume 1 & 2
Plants can be used-Wholefoods-based preventative and The FDR will show you how to fight against the folly of ineptive medicine and The war against illness is won and disease. These two volumes are 1,The 600-page guide contains all the secrets to preventative medicine and Self-Many common conditions can be treated with care.

Get your instant download Don Tolman – Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. 1, 2, and 3

Volume 3
There are now officially over 10,000 human diseases… 95 years ago there were 7. What if… 98% of these can be prevented and You can even be healed by following these 7 principles of good health. Here’s some of the most popular diseases. Find the one you were told you have and Next, Google which 7 Body Systems it is. Next, go to the wholefood page for that system in this book. and Raw foods are best and Preferably, in their season. Let go of fear and Within 5 minutes, be aware of your symptoms.-7 days 3-5 months, depending on how overwhelmed you are and toxicity.

Here’s what you can expect in the new book Don Tolman – Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. 1, 2, and 3

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