Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Light Body Activation

$22.00 $147.00 Sale

Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Light Body Activation

From: Dr. Pillai
Light Body Activation Program

You don’t have to wait for money to come, money can come right now provided if you have more light within yourself.When you vibrate with light, then you’ll be able to work faster because the light vibrates fast. And that happens quite naturally, you don’t do anything, because you put more and more light into it because the sounds, the mantras that are used, will generate more light inside the brain, and the brain will work faster.

This program gives you a 200% life– takes care of your material needs and also takes care of your evolutionary needs of turning the body into light. This program is for you. I personally invite you to join.

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Three Steps to Ultimate Evolution
test_1Pete, UK

Get your instant download Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Light Body Activation
“It’s difficult to imagine that so much can change in just one day. Since practicing the Core Light Body Technique, I’ve felt an incredible sense of clarity around all I do. I feel recharged, invigorated with life, childlike again, even though I’m now in my forties. Deadlines with work and the stresses usually associated with them simply don’t exist, everything is effortless and no matter how much or how little time I think I have it’s always enough! I can only imagine how much my life will continue to transform for I already feel so much has changed and it’s only been a few days!”
Test_1Saj, Uk

“Since using Dr. Pillai’s Core Light Body Technique, my life has been greatly enhanced and continues to grow every day at the light speed. Aches and pains in my body have disappeared, relationships have become stronger and my businesses are moving forward in amazing ways! I feel totally blessed to have learned this powerful technique.”
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Receive When You Join Light Body Activation Register Today

Access To Light Body Activation Area for Program Members
Video of Dr. Pillai’s Core Light Body Technique
This Guide Will Help You To Make Spiritual and Material Progress In Your Day
The Secret Siddha Practice to Attract Wealth
The Powerful Siddha Herb to Raise Consciousness
Video of Dr. Pillai’s Powerful NEW Karma Dissolving Technique
Daily Karma Dissolving Technique [Audio]
2 Meditation Videos Daily
2 Audios for Daily Meditation Practice
Complete Audio and Video Transcripts
Guide to Practice Reference

Seven Bonus Mantra’s Inclusive in the Program

Remove Obstacles In Life
Make a difference and be free from any disease Body
The Greatest Mantra Light Body
Give strength and energy
Take Time Out of Your Life
Protection Meditation by Dr. Pillai
Dr. Pillai’s Help and Support
Get More Light You can integrate Consciousness and Consciousness into Your Life Body

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!