Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Midbrain Empowerment Audio Package

$22.00 $187.00 Sale

Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Midbrain Empowerment Audio Package

This package contains 4 sound tracks and companion PDF to empower your midbrain for miracle consciousness.

Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on midbrain.

Track 2 & 3 contain Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation on top of brain and pineal gland.
Track 4 contains Rudra Chants for Siva by Vedic Specialist.
As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with the energy of inner transformation.

Track 1: Teachings on Midbrain by Dr. Pillai

Track 2: Top of Brain Meditation by Dr. Pillai (4 minutes approx.)

Track 3: Pineal Gland Activation by Dr. Pillai (29 minutes approx.)

Track 4: Rudram Chant for Siva by Vedic Specialist (63 minutes approx.)

Salepage: https://www.pillaicenter.com/daily-practice-midbrain-empowerment-audio-package-P487.aspx
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/jxRRy

Midbrain Empowerment Audio Package
This package contains 4 sound tracks and companion PDF to empower your midbrain for miracle consciousness.

Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on midbrain.

Track 2 & 3 contain Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation on top of brain and pineal gland.
Track 4 contains Rudra Chants for Siva by Vedic Specialist.
As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with the energy of inner transformation.

Track 1: Teachings on Midbrain by Dr. Pillai

Track 2: Top of Brain Meditation by Dr. Pillai (4 minutes approx.)

Track 3: Pineal Gland Activation by Dr. Pillai (29 minutes approx.)

Track 4: Rudram Chant for Siva by Vedic Specialist (63 minutes approx.)

Companion PDF

Midbrain Empowerment Audio Package
This package contains 4 sound tracks and companion PDF to empower your midbrain for miracle consciousness.

Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on midbrain.

Track 2 & 3 contain Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation on top of brain and pineal gland.
Track 4 contains Rudra Chants for Siva by Vedic Specialist.
As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with the energy of inner transformation.

Track 1: Teachings on Midbrain by Dr. Pillai

Track 2: Top of Brain Meditation by Dr. Pillai (4 minutes approx.)

Track 3: Pineal Gland Activation by Dr. Pillai (29 minutes approx.)

Track 4: Rudram Chant for Siva by Vedic Specialist (63 minutes approx.)

Companion PDFGet Download Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Midbrain Empowerment Audio P

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