Dr. Jack Kruse – Heal Your Hormones Bootcamp

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Dr. Jack Kruse – Heal Your Hormones Bootcamp


If you’ve been biohacking any length of time, you know that unraveling complex issues like PCOS, weight gain, hashimotos, fibromyalgia, depression, estrogen dominance, low libido, fatigue, poor sleep and more can get pretty overwhelming. Hormones You play a part in many of these issues. Yet, understanding your role and how to fix it can seem daunting.

Your Hormones influence the quality of your daily life.

  • Do you feel easily frustrated, anxious, or agitated?
  • Are you able fly free of the handle?
  • Do you sometimes feel unusually monastic, like you don’t want to socialize or interact with others?
  • Do your relationships sometimes suffer because you just don’t have the patience to talk things through?
  • Are you plagued by brain fog?
  • Are you having difficulty losing weight?

Dr. Tim Jackson DPT will take us through the process of his well-Respected protocol for biohacking complex hormonal issues and healing them. You may know Dr. Jackson from his work as a Paleo expert and one of the most respected in the field.-MTHFRsupport.com is proud to recognize these individuals as contributors.  In 2003, Dr. Jackson graduated from Wake Forest University with a Bachelor’s degree in Health science and Chemistry. In 2009, Dr. Jackson received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the Medical University of SC. He is a specialist in nutritional biochemistry, digestive and systemic health, as well functional endocrinology.

These five-week bootcamp is going to offer a roadmap for us to follow that includes running the right tests, understanding your lab results and tackling the challenges they reveal IN THE RIGHT ORDER to heal your hormones and enjoy all the benefits that come from a body that’s functioning optimally:

  • Amazing sleep
  • Young energy
  • Amazing hair and skin
  • A healthy sex drive
  • Clear thinking
  • Positive mood
  • Patience, endurance
  • A healthy body composition
  • Fertility
  • And so much more

This 5-We will be discussing the protocol to better diagnose and treat hormone problems.  We’ll discuss:


We must be aware of cortisol, which is a key factor in healthy hormone levels. High cortisol, in particular, is not only indicative of a stressful external environment, but it’s also an indicator that your internal environment is likely stressed. It’s very important to understand how high cortisol results from serious immune-system challenges (that you likely don’t even know you have!), how you can test to uncover those stressors and exactly what you should do to begin to bring your cortisol levels back into balance once you’ve gotten your test results.

Download immediately Dr. Jack Kruse – Heal Your Hormones Bootcamp

This is only the start.

Thyroid Health and Safety

When discussing the thyroid, it’s important to understand how immune system challenges directly affect the thyroid’s ability to function properly, how gut and liver health affect your body’s ability to convert T4 to T3, and even how a low sex drive may be directly connected to your thyroid.  We’ll discuss the thyroid’s relationship to estrogen dominance, and this is a biggie:  we know that an upside down Pg:E2 ratio will adversely affect our health, but many haven’t fully connected the dots around the thyroid’s role in determining this ratio.  It’s important to know and we’re going to help you understand it.

Optimizing your thyroid is an essential step towards healing hormones.  After you’ve optimized your thyroid, you’ll see an overall improvement in ALL your hormone health.

Hormones Sleep

We all know that optimal health is dependent on sleep.  We’re going to dive into DHEA, pregnenalone and progesterone, the hormones that rest at the top of the cascade that affects all your sex hormones. We’ll discuss how these hormones convert to our other sex hormones, how to raise them or supplement properly to optimize them after you’ve optimized cortisol and your thyroid, and how dysfunction with these hormones determine if a body is in an anabolic or catabolic state.  We’ll also learn how these hormones tie into sleep and share some strategies you might implement to start improving these hormones and sleep right away.

Estrogen & Testosterone

We’ll finish off the bootcamp with Estrogen & Testosterone.  We’ll discuss the role of sex hormone binding globuline and the liver’s role in making you estrogen dominant, how testosterone affects the Kreb’s cycle, how estrogen dominance in men is the real culprit for the “rageful man,” How insulin resistance affects testosterone-To-estrogen conversion.  We’ll also discuss how mold toxicity or infection can cause testosterone supplementation to make your testosterone issues WORSE, and how EMF affects all of your hormones, especially testosterone.

And we’ll wrap up with estrogen:  how E1 and E2 promote cancer for women with a family history of breast cancer, how E3 can reduce cancer cells (and how it should be supplemented in the BHRT regimen of high-Women at high risk of developing estrogen dominance (or being pregnant), and how it can cause the thyroid to be inefficient.

Week 1: Cortisol

  • How does cortisol work to reduce inflammation?
  • How is cortisol stimulated
  • How does cortisol influence our sex hormone levels? Does it lead to insulin resistance and sexiness?
  • What happens to our bodies when cortisol level is high? How can lifestyle changes be made to reduce cortisol?
  • What does high cortisol levels reveal about your immune system and why is this important?
  • How does high levels of cortisol relate with leaky gut and other symptoms like heavy periods, difficulty losing body weight, fatigue, lack drive and concentration, etc.

Week 2: Thyroid

  • What is T?-T and 3-4. How does cortisol contribute to conversion?
  • What causes thyroid problems in the immune system?
  • How can progesterone optimize the thyroid?
  • What is the impact of thyroid on fertility?

Week 3: DHEA, Pregnenolone & Progesterone

  • DHEA reduces cholesterol and improves the immune system and gut health
  • Low DHEA symptoms and how to increase levels through gratitude journals
  • Pregnenolone’s importance in managing inflammation
  • Low pregnenolone symptoms
  • Pregnenolone theft: How the body converts pregnenolone into progesterone, and then to cortisol when there is high inflammation

Week 4: Testosterone

  • Low testosterone symptoms
  • How to balance testosterone & estrogen
  • What are the steps men who take testosterone need to take to ensure their testicles work optimally?
  • EMF’s negative effects on testosterone

Week 5: Estrogen

  • The different types of estrogen, and their role in cancer
  • How estrogen dominance makes your thyroid less efficient
  • Low estrogen levels can cause symptoms



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