Driving for Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine

$52.00 $997.00 Sale

Driving for Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal MachineDriving for Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine


our story

Less than two years ago, when we first started real estate investment, we faced the same challenge. How do we find ambitious high-asset sellers? Like most people, we have no idea where to start. Which marketing should be invested in? What list do we need? We do know that we must learn active seller marketing!

Why are we? We do know why. What is your reason? What hurt you? What made you go through all the hardships and hardships. Our aim is to achieve financial freedom and independence through real estate investment and pass our wealth and freedom to our two young sons.

How about Phuck … why are you?

So, how will we achieve this lofty goal? We tried cold play, signs of robbers, silent voice mail, and text marketing. We have spent more than $ 100,000 on tutors, planners, coaches, consultants and courses, and gained today’s expertise. The use of “trading machines” to drive dollar transactions has become our number one source of potential customers and transactions. In this way, we can steadily find and turn over properties with little money. The current challenge is that we have too many clues to follow up, but not enough time. To solve this problem, we hired two acquisition managers.

They said: “You have to do direct mail”.

We: “But how?” (Kanye West’s voice).

We know that direct mail is still valid. But we do n’t know where to start? What should postcards say? How many times should we mail to the seller? What color should the postcard be? The most important thing is that we have no budget and spend 5-20K USD every month on the direct mail used by major customers to complete the transaction. We need a direct mailing method, which has a lower cost and a higher response rate. The answer is to drive a dollar with a trading machine! Imagine spending 3-5K per month and continuing to spend 50-60K per month.

Most real estate investors are always looking for aggressive sellers with high net worth, because both are necessary components for finding profitable real estate transactions. As an investor, you will not make money when you sell, but you will make money when you buy.
How do we come across trading machines?

One of the problems of using large direct mail companies (other than cost) is the fact that in most markets, many real estate investors find themselves trying to contact the same list of owners as everyone else. This may result in a significant increase in costs, a decrease in response speed, increased competition, and oversaturation in the market, which will ultimately lead to a reduction in your transactions and a decrease in profits.

According to the general rule of thumb, the more effort you have to make to gain potential customers, the less competition with other investors (in turn, this may bring greater profits). This is one of the key reasons why driving is a good way to acquire high-quality prospects with little competition. Your “US dollars for money” list is a list that no other investor will own.

Are there other direct mail companies that can post postcards cheaply? Yes.

Are there other direct mail companies that will allow you to post property pictures on postcards? Yes.

But there is no other app that allows you and your transaction finder to sell dollars and enter bad property on the spot, upload and attach photos to postcards, choose custom wording for postcards, skip tracking sellers, and send postcards on postcards. point!

Trading machine applications can make the playing field easier. Allow small investors to compete with big guys. It is done for us and can do the same for you.

Regardless of whether you are the largest wholesaler, if you use a trading machine, you can use “use the trading machine to drive dollars”, you can quickly catch up with them and send a small amount of mail. This is how we turn from virtual unknowns in the industry into overnight success stories. Well, this is not an overnight success. Many people do not know that it took us a year and a half to complete the first transaction. In the summer of 2018, we worked very hard, but we have not yet completed the first wholesale transaction. We completed the first wholesale transaction in August 2018. In October, we completed the third transaction, using Deal Machine to earn $ 105,000 through a wholesale transaction “Driving for Dollars”. Fast forward to March 2019 and we will speak with more than 1,200 investors at Max Maxwell’s largest wholesale real estate conference, Wholesale Elite LIVE 2019. (Insert our photos or videos on the stage)
Can you really become an expert in “dollar driving”?

absolute! It is nothing special. We are ordinary people just like you. Over time, what we did was learned professional knowledge and took imperfect large-scale actions.

In a short time, you will understand how the process works, how to find over-the-counter transactions, and master all the information you need to become a Driving 4 Dollar $ expert in the region. You will also learn how to form an army of trade finders to fill your trading pipeline with positive seller prospects.
Are you looking for a way to find amazing market transactions and compile a list of target properties with little competition?

Then you have come to the right place. Driving $ 4 is our first source of potential customers, or it can be your potential customers! In the past 12 months, we used the technology shared in this course to complete more than $ 1 million in real estate transactions and added dozens of rental units to the “buy and hold” portfolio.
After completing the course “Driving the Courtesy Dollar”, you will:

Have a step-by-step system to start driving with dollars
It is an obvious choice for sellers who want to sell their property in your market.
Direct mail template with actual proof (absent, vacant, FSBO, tired landlord, for rent)
Know how to form a team of transaction finder, and know how to educate, motivate and compensate them.
In your city or town, you are called a “housing expert”.
Learn how to look at the property with “trained eyes”. You will learn about distress indicators.
Know how to find potential customers and sell them effectively, while building your brand.
How to expand the scale by adding a small target list in the trading machine
How to become a virtual wholesaler / investor: be able to use your newly discovered, motivated seller ’s marketing expertise to find OTC transactions in any real estate market!

What you will learn:

Module 1: Browse the application

You will gain in-depth knowledge on how to use Deal Machine App like a super user. We will guide you step by step through each function of the application so that you can understand its function and how to use it to find transactions. Still confused about the template? We made you blind! Want to know how to export transactions from the application to a spreadsheet on your computer, we are at your service.

Module 2: Driving the dollar process

You will have a comprehensive understanding of the “drive for dollar” process and get an intuitive roadmap for success. All you have to do is add work. Close your eyes and imagine that every house passing by from the house to the grocery store has a name of $ 10,000. All you need to do is: stop, take a picture, and click to send an email. If this is the case, how many transactions would you enter in the application? The more the better! Well, this is the way we are now pursuing dollar growth, because we have made a lot of money by doing so! you can also!

Module 3: Recruiting dealers

We are sharing tips with you on establishing a team of more than 200 trade finder nationwide. You will get tips on how to educate, incentivize and compensate transaction finder and all the documents we use to manage them. We are so successful in recruiting trade finder, the Wall Street Journal made a story for us.

Module 4: How to create email templates, advertising campaigns and signatures

You will get all our verified email templates. We have used proven templates for marketing vacant properties, absent owners, tired landlords, etc. These templates are the templates we successfully use in our business. We also shared a secret template for finding cash buyers through Deal Machine. You will learn how to implement templates and campaigns to become a direct mail professional immediately.

Module 5: How to use the virtual assistant to scale the trading machine

We will show you how to add 200 attributes to the trading machine in just a few days. Upload using VA and small target list. Help you increase from 100 to 500 to 1,000 to more than 5,000 messages. Remember, this is a number game.

Unit 6: Website, tools, tips, documentation and scripts

“I still spend 5 to 10 hours a week driving. For new investors, my best advice is to use a trading machine to walk on the streets of your city. Create a list of potential customers that other investors do not have.” Crystal courtesy
Amazing benefits
Track route

No more repetitive work. Know where you are driving immediately. Looking back, see in real time which streets you have driven, and the attributes you checked and added.
First contact point

You become the first station to establish contact with the seller, and you can send your personal mail when sending bulk mail in the competition.
Easy to use / always

No matter what time of day, you can operate which type of asset you want to add. The mobile application is easy to use and is always on call. The desktop version is also easy to use.
Complete the research for you

During the day, while driving and spending all night studying time, it is no longer necessary to write down addresses. With the push of a button, data can be gathered in one place, at your fingertips.
More extension time

As investors, we need to be able to use the technology there to repurchase our time, which is exactly what the trading machine can allow you to repurchase your time and let the app do the work!
Ready to export

Not only can you send postcards on demand, you can also export all transactions and mail them to them.

Real Estate Course

What is real estate? Understand real estate

Real estate investment involves buying, owning, managing, renting and / or selling real estate for profit.
As part of a real estate investment strategy, improving real estate is often considered a sub-specialty of real estate investment, called real estate development.
Real estate is a form of asset with limited liquidity compared to other investments,
It is also capital intensive (although capital can be obtained through mortgage leverage) and is highly dependent on cash flow.
If investors cannot understand and manage these factors well, real estate will become a venture capital.

 Here’s what you’ll get in Driving for Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine

Screen Recording 2020-11-23 at AM

Readmore: http://archive.is/27AfQ

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!