E Raymond Brown – Ghetto Physics


E Raymond Brown - Ghetto Physics

E Raymond Brown – Ghetto Physics

For E Raymond Brown – Ghetto Physics

A no BS look at money, materialism, media, politics (poli-tricks), healthcare, sex and society and all the games we are taught to play for the advantage of the 1% monied classes, GhettoPhysics: Redefining the Game is an in-your-face exposé that will wake you up to what’s been goin’ down— and it will coach you on how to go about making the changes inside you that will enable you to regain your personal power and make a difference in the world. Featuring colorful graphics, interactive links, exercises, resources, and quotations from modern iconoclasts from hip-hop artist KRS-One to global economic hit-man insider John Perkins, GhettoPhysics is an entertaining wake-up call to action you won’t want to miss!

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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