Eckhart Tolle – The Journey Into Yourself

$42.00 $179.00 Sale

Eckart Tolle – The Journey into Yourself

The theme of this four-day retreat: “It’s Always Now”

The Now is inseparable from who you are at the deepest level. It is the prerequisite of Being. As you listen to the words on this tape, you participate in the retreat. To “retreat” means to step back – not only from the outer world, but also from the world in your head, the thinking mind. Allow the sound of the words to take you beyond words and beyond sound to the stillness within. Allow the Now to be as it is and so realize the formless essence of the Now as consciousness itself.

Suggested practice: use the lesson throughout the day.

Lesson 1: What is your relationship with the present moment?
Lesson 2: Get into your body! Practices for inner body awareness.
Lesson 3: Using sound as a portal into stillness.
Lesson 4: A day spent in silence.
Lesson 5: Questions & answers. Being present, amidst the world.
Lesson 6: Questions & answers. The power of detachment and surrender.

Blessings on your Journey into your Self.

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