Gabriel Cousens – There Is A Cure For Diabetes


Gabriel Cousens - There Is A Cure For Diabetes

Gabriel Cousens – There Is A Cure For Diabetes

For Gabriel Cousens – There Is A Cure For Diabetes

Dr. Gabriel Cousens calls chronic diabetes degenerative syndrome.

A leading medical authority in the world of live-food nutrition, Dr. Cousens exposes the dangers of excess glucose and fructose as the key causes of this seemingly unstoppable epidemic that affects more than twenty-five million Americans and 347 million people worldwide.

Cousens, whose Diabetes Recovery Program is the most successful antidiabetes program in the world, presents a three-week plan that focuses on a moderate­-low complex carbohydrate, live food, plant-source-only diet that reverses diabetes to a physiology of health and well-being by resetting the genetic expression of a person’s DNA.

The program renders insulin and related medicines unnecessary within four days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels, and the diabetic shifts into a nondiabetic physiology within two weeks.

Substantially revised throughout, this practical and encouraging guide reveals the risks of low cholesterol and low omega 3s in one’s diet and includes more than 140 delicious and healthy recipes.

The book represents a major breakthrough in understanding the synergy that helps cure diabetes.

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