George Dlllman’s Theory On Healing-Karate


George Dlllman's Theory On Healing-Karate

George Dlllman’s Theory On Healing-Karate

For George Dlllman’s Theory On Healing-Karate

This video details energy restoration techniques which can easily be applied to blockages resulting from various types of trauma. Dillman searched medical as well as martial arts texts to uncover this forgotten and secret art: pressure point self-defense. Assisted by doctors and acupuncturists he learned to become a responsible practitioner of pressure point fighting in the martial arts and in healing. Valuable for chest traumas such as those that occur in baseball-related injuries a life-saving technique to restart the heart due to electrical shutdown is shown. Dillman’s healing theory has been proven in the field and lives have been saved. Learn from this dramatically different approach to energy restoration.

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