Greg O’Gallagher – The KinoBooty Program

$24.00 $69.00 Sale

The KinoBooty Program | Kinobody Fitness

Greg O’Gallagher – The KinoBooty Program

Ask any girl what her primary fitness goal is and usually it tends to come down to one of two things…

“I want to lose fat and get slim and toned”


“I want to build up my butt!”

These are the attributes of what girls are after from an aesthetics standpoint. And guess what?! It makes perfect sense. You see, the strongest sign of physical attraction in women is the waist to hip ratio… 


You can increase the waist to hip ratio through two ways. Either you can lose fat and tighten up your waist. Or you can build up your butt! 

Unfortunately, the mainstream fitness industry has truly and monumentally failed to really help women achieve either of these fitness goals. 

Instead, women have largely been sublimated fad diets and utterly ineffective workout programs. You see, the problem with the fitness industry is that we tend to want to listen to people with the best body. 

Unfortunately, in many cases, the women with the best bodies, were actually born with pretty damn great genetics. So their amazing body, isn’t necessarily the result of flawless training and nutrition practices, but rather their genetic profile. 

To seek out the best fitness information, we really need to be looking at the fitness coaches that are helping everyday men and women, achieve breathtaking results. As well, those coaches that actually back up their advice with real human research and actual physiology, not just personal anecdote.


Your Instructor

Greg O'Gallagher 

Greg O’Gallagher

From an early age, Greg knew he wanted to build an incredible physique that was both strong and powerful.

Greg’s approach — the Kinobody approach — is made to blend fitness with lifestyle. It will help you become leaner, stronger and more developed each and every week…all while enjoying your life.

With this blend, you’ll fall in love with the process, which is what it’s all about.

Greg embraced this minimalist approach and saw fantastic results. Now, he wants to share this with you. Join him on this adventure, transform your physique and live the life of your dreams!

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