GymnasticBodies – Fundamentals F1 Pro+ Bundle

$52.00 $270.00 Sale

GymnasticBodies - Fundamentals F1 Pro+ Bundle

GymnasticBodies – Fundamentals F1 Pro+ Bundle

For GymnasticBodies – Fundamentals F1 Pro+ Bundle

Gymnastic Strength Training™ Online Programs

We are excited to help you create your new life of strength and excellence. Our fitness programs based on bodyweight strength training takes students of all levels and builds them into some of the strongest, most powerful athletes in the world.

Step 1: Learn Your Body

Easy lessons in GST™. The Fundamentals 4 week online course will make sure you start out on the right track in your GST™ journey with either a diagnostic or education lesson each day building into a final daily limber routine. Fundamentals can be done at home without any equipment. All ages are welcome, zero workout knowledge required.

Time: 15 minutes or less per day

Difficulty: Novice

Read our Frequently Asked Questions



Step 2: Build Your Body

Our robust Foundation One Online Course balances strength with mobility. Learn effective exercises that will train your core, shoulders, legs, connective tissue and joints. Our Online Stretch Courses will take you through specific passive and active flexibility needed for your GST™ training. You won’t just feel great, but the results will show in your physique.

Time: 30-60 minutes per Foundation workout, 45 minutes per Stretch session.

Difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced









Step 3: Use Your Body

Our Handstand One Online Course will target your shoulder and core strength for a solid and effortless handstand. The Tumbling One Online Course uses movement as conditioning to take you through basic locomotion requiring no background in tumbling.

These courses may done at the same time as Foundation and Stretch.

Time: 30 minutes 1-3x a week

Difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced





Step 4: Feed Your Body

We focus on behavior instead of drowning you with facts and figures. Do you know that vegetables are good for you? Of course you do.

Are you are eating enough of them? Odds are you aren’t, and that’s the type of problem this course will fix.

We will require you to eat adequate vegetables at the right time, but we’re not going to tell you anything about the Sulforaphane content in broccoli and how that helps with phase 2 detoxification as a conjugate.

Instead, this course offers what we find lacking in other programs: the practical how-to at a basic level that gets real, obtainable results. Thrive is a program that incorporates accountability, measurable tasks, lifestyle components, and—most importantly—results.

Recommended For: Everyone


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!