Hardy Fowler – Painting Faces

$10.00 $15.00 Sale

Hardy Fowler - Painting FacesHardy Fowler – Painting Faces

I’m calling on all artists with a passion drawing faces who would rather not spend thousands of dollars or years of their life in art school.

Painting faces is a fun, beautiful and succinct set of lessons that can have you creating masterpieces more quickly than you’ve ever imagined.

In our easy to grasp, step-by-step course, we will demystify the entire process of painting the human face so that you can master a timeless art form – with the power of the digital medium and all of its incredible tools that you’ll use to get amazing results.

But this is so much more than just a painting demonstration, we’ll have detailed discussions about the fundamental concepts portrait and concept artists use and we’ll learn detailed techniques for realistically rendering each part of the face. I’ve got some cool tricks that you’re going to love!

To tie it all together, we offer responsive support so that every student can take their face art to new heights. You can do this! Don’t miss out on your chance to start painting the human face like a master.

Enroll today! Grab your stylus and let’s paint cool stuff.


“So first off let me say that I have ALWAYS had issues with Photoshop. So much so that I don’t use my copy to paint anything, until now. I am a freelance artist and I also teach online. I use Sketchbook pro to paint. I always knew other “teachers” were leaving steps out when it came time to give instructions on painting in PS. Hardy does not. He shows you haw to achieve the EXACT results you see in the thumbnail. He leaves nothing out. This is not only one of the best digital painting course I’ve seen but one of the best tutorials I’ve seen on any subject. If you are reading this please enroll. I do not know why the price is so low. It’s a steal at full price. And a quick note, I tried his techniques in Sketchbook pro and they work. Don’t wait, sign up now. And I’m not paid to say any of this. You can google me to see I really am an instructor and illustrator and have a Youtube channel.”-Rich Grayson, Illustrator & Instructor

Your Instructor

Hardy Fowler

Hardy Fowler

Hardy Fowler is a professional illustrator and concept artist. He has advanced degrees in art and illustration and has dedicated his teaching career to making digital art careers more accessible to those for whom art school is not feasible.

He has created scores of characters, environments, creatures and vehicles for high-level entertainment industry clients around the world and he has helped tens of thousands of artists improve their work.

“I realized I needed some serious help with my digital painting. This course was exactly what I was hoping for. Hardy goes in depth with his instruction, showing exactly how he brings his work to life using Photoshop. I highly recommend this course if you’re needing to up your digital painting game!”

Get Download Hardy Fowler – Painting Faces


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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!