Hector Gutierrez jr. – Swing STRONG!™

$33.00 $97.00 Sale

Hector Gutierrez jr. – Swing STRONG!™

What’s Inside

… and what Swing STRONG! will do for you.

  • A detailed manual covering the ins and outs of how to safely learn the kettlebell swing and getup to fast track your results and eliminate the worry “if you’re doing it right”.
  • 24 total weeks of programming between the swing and getup to improve your strength mobility, and endurance making your body harder to break even after an intense week of training Jiu-Jitsu.
  • Pg. 27 of the manual reveals the 4 essential phases of the getup including 3 “bonus” drills and my go-to “dynamic hip drill” to open your hips and improve your guard game. 
  • Provide you with the “minimum effective dose” to improve your strength and mobility with two simple (but not easy) exercises, so you can train Jiu-Jitsu without worrying if you’ll wake up hurting the next day.
  • “Bulletproof” your hips, back and shoulders to keep you from feeling “broken” after a tough week of rolling. Even after training with “the big boys”.
  • Build lean muscle in the right places–while simultaneously losing those last few unwanted pounds of belly fat in 30 minutes or less per day, leaving you with more time for Jiu-Jitsu.
  • Boost your confidence knowing you’re strong and mobile enough to roll with anyone anytime regardless of your age or their size.
  • Carry yourself with a sense of pride and walk with the strength and power you deserve as a man, husband and father.
  • And much more…

Get immediately download Hector Gutierrez jr. – Swing STRONG!™

Swing STRONG! Promise

  • Stronger endurance for Jiu-Jitsu without taking away from your mat time.
  • “Bullet-proof” your hips, back and shoulders so you never wake up “achy” after an intense week of rolling.
  • Give you the piece of mind knowing that you got everything in: strength, mobility and endurance.

Here’s What You Will Get In Hector Gutierrez jr. – Swing STRONG!™

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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