Hope Fitzgerald – The Infinity Wave

$15.00 $57.00 Sale

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Hope Fitzgerald – The Infinity Wave

The Infinity Wave is a tool for transformation and opening to the Divine. This technology and the product Hope is delivering in this offer are BRAND NEW and, quite literally, hot off the press.

Hope Fitzgerald has just finished this pairing of patient and really beautiful instruction, invocations and energy healings so that you might not only help your own life and being, but help this world grow into greater love through forgiveness and release.

This is your opportunity to move into the miraculous expression of love and light that you are, AND release old limitations, welcoming a life overflowing with peace, joy and grace.

These BRAND NEW programs open you to a revolutionary new concept and help you see that you are already FREE.

From looking at forgiveness as a journey into the core of your being to ultimately achieving more joy through the genuine release of forgiveness, Hope brings you to a new state of existence where all of humanity exists on a single plane.

THEN, she gives you the tools to create EXACTLY what you want most from this life.

You can gracefully release and forgive any human being who has brought you to a place of hurt

The Infinity Wave can be applied to any place on the planet that is experiencing upset – literally shifting the energy to flow.

These insights and processes have been delivered straight from the highest realms, through the incomparable Hope Fitzgerald and into our hands right now.

This program and the power of The Infinity Wave will assist you in elevating your expression to accomplish everything you came onto this Earth to do.

This is your opportunity to join Hope Fitzgerald on this journey to discovery.


Dive into this amazing new technology and use these tools to:

  • Tap into you
  • Make a permanent evolutionary leap
  • Achieve a greater sense of consciousness
  • Never feel as though life is out of your control
  • Travel through time
  • Release past pains and blockages
  • and Literally change the world as we know it

Hope will help you to Hear, Feel, Accept, and GROW as she leads you through a series of Infinity Wave exercises and processes accompanied by beautiful tonal healings and soothing sounds.

Progress into your HEART CENTER… Feel the Earth nourishing your physical body and nurturing your entire being.

This is the freedom for which you’ve been waiting.

The evolution of the planet has brought this technology into consciousness and into your hands, right now.

These invaluable tools will help you literally rewrite your existence…

Tap into you and make a permanent evolutionary leap

Live and explore this life consciously

Embrace your position as creator of your experience

Take advantage of Hope’s graceful guidance and fulfill the role you came into this world to play!

Option 1: Infinity Wave - Divinity, Creation & Connection

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Hope’s incredible program enables you to fully tap into the power of The Infinity Wave, one of the most powerful technologies of transformation to become available.

This is your chance to let go in preparation for your new energetic union. Embrace love, live the life you deserve, and welcome the most miraculous expression of You.

You have an amazing ability to tap into the energetic frequency of your environment and everyone around you. This is now your chance to literally discover what’s impacting your experience THEN consciously shape your entire life.

Imagine… gaining more mastery over the pulse that most benefits everything you’re doing.

Remember, YOU are co-creating your existence here. The four audios below make it possible to create at a wildly rapid rate with even less effort than before.

WARNING: These Tools Will Strengthen Your Co-Creative Power and Deepen Your Connection to Source

OPTION 1 Includes:

Item 1: Introduction to the Wave

Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $147)

Join Hope as she leads you to a new point of discovery and awakening. The choices you make are a part of something so enormous and powerful.

Yep! You actually shape this world.

You inspire change on a global scale and have a miraculous impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Begin this journey with Hope and explore the beautiful expansion into co-creative transformation that awaits.

Item 2: Infinity Cradle

Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $147)

Through the power of The Infinity Wave, you’ll harness and steer the power to transform your world.

This phase of your journey with Hope invites you to play within the energy that makes all future change easier.

Discover how to use the wave to your advantage by calling it inward and allowing it to flow through your entire system – all day long.

Learn how to use this amazing tool and realign with your Divine path to profoundly impact the planet.

Item 3: Power Cell

Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $147)

You are the one who can play out what’s best for your Self, your community, and the Earth as a whole.

Let The Infinity Wave reach beyond the boundaries of your physical body and affect change in the ENTIRE WORLD.

Discover how to express the light of change.

Now’s the time to become a power cell. Hope welcomes you to receive new energies, transmuting them through your entire body.

Once you embrace your body as a power cell, you embody the potential to change the globe.

How AMAZING is that?

Item 4: Crystal Columns

Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $147)

Discover your Divinity.

Hope welcomes you to reach into both the masculine and feminine realms of your experience and achieve true balance in all aspects of your life.

Living in truth requires the same strength as an arrow gliding through the air – the act of living takes balance and cooperation from many different elements.

It’s time to:

  • Uncover the balance you need
  • Make the most of your experience here
  • Have true Christ consciousness

Embody the feminine energetics in your body and head further down the path of change on a GLOBAL scale.

This is your chance to take advantage of Hopes NEWEST materials.

Two New programs of change combined with SEVEN powerful new practices that have all been created with YOU in mind.

These never before offered programs and practices take you on a journey to answer some of the most profound questions many of us have in our lives right now.

Through guided Infinity Wave energized programs and practices with sound vibrational crystal toning you will transform into the truth of light, forgiveness, love, cleansing and expansive connectedness that you really are.

Item 5: Evolve Now! Digital Video - Brand New!

Available as Digital Download (Retail Value $48)

This beautifully-produced video takes you on an in-depth exploration of The Infinity Wave and the power it holds for your life. Get face-to-face with Hope as she gracefully leads you through the creation, development and application of The Infinity Wave.

The Infinity Wave is a channeled energetic here in full support of your process of change. The Universe is lifting you up, helping you embrace the change you are seeking.

Hope takes time to ensure that you know everything essential for your masterful application of this technology in your own life.

You can impact the ENTIRE planet

You have an amazing, Divine purpose, that is just waiting to be released. Imagine waking up each day, knowing and living the connection between all of humanity and fully expressing your co-creative power, inspiring your own life and the lives of those around you to greatness.

It’s time to completely forgive yourself and those around you and overcome the bonds of guilt, perceived limitation and self-doubt. You are lacking nothing and are already whole and complete.

THIS is your key.

Hope is here to share this incredible message straight from Source, that will open the core of your being to the joy, power and release that forgiveness offers.

Forgiveness lies at the heart of your energetic transformation.

Can you feel it?

By opening your heart and being willing to join Hope on this adventure into complete release, you are saying “YES!” to living the peace-filled life you deserve.

This world can seem so hectic, dense and heavy at times, but none of that is essential.

We are all here as equals and, by accepting the power and NECESSITY of forgiveness, we get to discover the true depth of our interconnectedness.

Hope’s guidance and loving instruction bring you to the heart of release. Density becomes lightness, frustration shifts into joy, and perceived lack, limitation and struggle turn the corner to become nothing more than a memory of a past belief system.Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $48)

Journey into the emotional and spiritual realms as Hope’s soothing voice guides you to new depths of meditation in this session.

Be one of the first people to ever experience Hope’s debut into this captivating realm of spiritual exploration and allow yourself to take a journey to uncharted reaches of your being.

Your worries fade as your field clears and clarity opens you to the center of your being.

This recording is SO POWERFUL and literally OVERFLOWING with potential for every aspect of your life. It’s time for your peace… allow Hope’s voice to lead you there.

Watch as your life begins to blossom and see the welling-up of peace and joy that follow your shift into forgiveness.

THEN, allow Hope to take you to a deeper state of peace through her remarkable meditative audio session.

Item 8: Tapping Into Love, Peace and Wholeness Through The Infinity Wave - Brand New!

Available as Digital Audio or Hard Copy CD (Retail Value $384)

This is BRAND NEW and was just recorded!

As you join Hope on this expansive adventure into The Infinity Wave, you’ll be deepening your connection to this immense power as you experience unfoldment after unfoldment.

Stand back and watch as you embrace a new degree of wholeness, peace and love.

It’s Hope’s goal to help you awaken to your infinite self – your Self of immeasurable proportion and limitless potential. Now’s the time to open to a new form of Divine communication and understand that you are fully loved and supported by Source.

Through this BRAND NEW workshop series, which isn’t offered ANYWHERE else, you are going to go beyond this 3-D reality, connecting with the full, vibrant life you deserve.

You’re going to explore:

Track 1: The Cleansing Wave<

Imagine letting go of everything that no longer serves you in the most peaceful and graceful way possible.

From old creation stories to long-held limiting beliefs, you’re going to let go of them and achieve an amazing new sense of freedom and lightness. Get ready to let go, quickly and painlessly, preparing you for the transformation ahead.

Track 2: Golden Liquid Light

This practice came to Hope as one of the most beautiful experiences of her life and has the power to change all suffering into peace through compassion.

It enables you to transform suffering into something more productive and calming. As a balm for the soul, it repairs and rejuvenates the aspects of your being that have been hardened or scarred by the nature of life events.

Track 3: Radiant You

Begin this profound, new relationship with the Sun and watch as it enters your consciousness, inviting greater expansion and eternally powerful love.

Discover all that there is to appreciate about the Sun and welcome a new awareness of this powerful force in your everyday life.

Track 4: Columns of Ether

Discover how to merge your desires, thoughts and dreams with the reality you are creating.

Whenever you reach a place that is challenging, you have a Universal fuel source at your fingertips, just waiting to fill you up, re-raise your vibration and pour love into your being.

Track 5: Sacred Hourglass

You hold a sacred position as a conduit between the Earth and the Divine. Tap into the spiritual presence of the Earth and Divine as you connect the two frequencies with The Infinity Wave.

Track 6: Slowing Time

Rather than be ruled by time and feel the need to “keep up” with it, Hope teaches you to manipulate time, bending it as you would a piece of paper, and either speeding it up or slowing it down to meet YOUR needs.

Track 7: Wave For The World

This energetic visualization is designed to be integrated into your daily practice as a way to pray for the Earth.

Shower the planet in unity consciousness and help raise the vibration of our incredible home.

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With Option 3, you get to HAVE IT ALL.

All of Hope’s processes, insight and information are flowing into your experience, awaiting your involvement and ultimately ready to transform your life.

Everything you desire is ready and waiting in the wings. By joining Hope in this adventure into You, this life is a co-creative dance and you’re in charge.

You can receive ALL that you desire from this life.

Allow Hope to help you welcome the life experience you’ve been longing for.

Join Hope Fitzgerald on this journey into the power of The Infinity Wave and into the power of your being.

Through the release in forgiveness and full embrace of your truest potential and support of The Infinity Wave, you’ll move into a new paradigm of transformation.

There’s nothing holding you back from the life you’re really yearning to live. Allow Hope to expand your horizons as you welcome the experience you know you deserve.

This offer and BRAND NEW content are only available for a limited time so act quickly and get ready for the graceful shifts that await.

Salepage: http://specials.healingwiththemasters.com/hope/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/bON2r


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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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