Iona at 30 ever after – Mindset for Love

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Iona at 30 ever after – Mindset for Love

The secret sauce to attracting love [FAST]

What if I told you that your ‘luck in love’ has everything to do with mindset? It doesn’t matter where you go, what dating sites you use or what you wear – if you don’t have a mindset ready for the committed, secure and passionate relationship you’re looking for, you’re leaving your love life to chance.

Learn the basic principles to create a mindset that is set up to attract love.

If you’ve been dating for awhile and:

Find yourself in the same dating patterns
Can’t seem to meet emotionally available men
Notice you’ve become jaded by dating
Think all the good men are taken
Can’t get past the first date
or find that things fizzle quickly in the early stages of a relationship

…your mindset is in the way

Like many singles, I found myself in Groundhog Day…going on the same dates, with the same kind of men and the same disappointing result. What I didn’t know was that I was in my own way. I was viewing dating all wrong. Once I figured out the formula to create an attraction mindset, my love life morphed into something I didn’t recognised. It was one that I LOVED.

If you’re ready to meet someone to share your life with, know that it s on the inside.

What would life be like if dating was just easy? Imagine if..

If you never had to stress about when you were going to meet him
You were a man magnet (one that attracts men who are ready to make you their queen)
Dating was fun
You no longer felt like time was running out
You just knew that it was going to happen for you

When I decided to get serious about dating on purpose, I took intentional steps to change my mindset and set up a life that would attract a partner into it.

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If I had known how effective these things would be – how it would enable me to find the love of my life so quickly and change my entire life, I would have done them sooner.

There’s no need to wait. You can tap into these methods and attract your soulmate to you by joining Mindset for Love. This is a photo of Cristian and I on our wedding day. We got engaged a year after meeting and married the year after. Ready to accelerate your way to your soul mate love?

Here’s what Mindset for Love is all about:

MODULE 1: Dating Mindset Audit

Learn what keeps you in the same dating pattern and uncover the major blocks standing between you and the love of your life. Identify the triggers that keep you feeling rushed or anxious about finding someone.

MODULE 2: Dating Mindset Overhaul

Completely rebuild a dating mindset that sets you up to attract love ASAP. Strategies that’ll have men lined up to take you on dates. No more wondering when he’ll text/call. You’ll learn the lessons that help you cope with the highs and lows of dating so you can bounce back from any setback.

MODULE 3: The complete setup for L-O-V-E

Power rituals I used to attract my man in a matter of months. I went from single to engaged (in 12 months) using these self-care techniques and at home routines. Learn how to set up your life to welcome love with open arms.

PLUS that’s not all…you get ALL these bonuses:

BONUS #1: The secret to attraction audio series

It’s not always the prettiest woman in the room that gets the men. Learn the 3 secrets to attraction plus easy ways to charm the pants off anyone you meet.

BONUS #2: Stand Out Dating Profile Guide. My online dating profile formula that brings in quality men.

Get access to the EXACT formula I used to attract quality matches, including my husband.

BONUS #3: Little known secrets to uncover the qualities that men really look for in a life partner.

Discover the qualities men look for in a life partner (you’d be surprised by what you uncover).

What to expect:

Set the intention to find the love you are really looking for (no turning back now)
Uncover the relationship stories that are blocking you from finding your ‘one’
How to release the stories so you can finally open your heart
How to bounce back from rejection and redirect your energy to attract good men
The MAJOR difference between dating from a place of love vs place of fear
How to identify the fears that are holding you back from a love that is nurturing, passionate and long-term
How to re-build your mindset to attract abundance and men

Get immediately download Iona at 30 ever after – Mindset for Love

What you’ll receive:

Modules to rebuild and shift your mindset to attract love
Workbooks, audios to help you get the most out of each lesson
Practical things you can do to shift your mindset ASAP
Optional 1:1 access via email or Skype
Lots of bonuses to help you attract the healthy relationship you truly crave

“Iona’s mindset makeover guide and coaching sessions have changed my life in many ways. Not only does it help bring out the best version of me, I now truly understand myself and have the clarity to seek for what I need in relationship that suits my personality. I’ve become more knowledgable when comes to dating and relationship. I now know how to handle my mindset in every situation. Thank you Iona for your great work and guidance”

– Nat, 29

Hope you’ll join me on a brand new love adventure!

Finding love has nothing to do with ‘luck’. I firmly believe we create our own future and a lot of what we create s on the inside. If you’re tired of getting stuck in dating groundhog day, make a change today!

“Loved this course! The bonuses were alone worth the price of the course”

– Sharon Rain, 33

Your Instructor

Iona at 30everafter
Iona at 30everafter

Hello! Iona here. I’m a relationship and dating coach for single women. I’m all for drama free and healthy relationships that promote self love, intimacy and passion. I believe everyone deserves the love they crave and my mission is to help you find it.

If there is one thing I know for sure is that we have the power to attract and keep the love we are after – one that is passionate, nurturing, secure, reciprocated, one that is in it for the long haul. I hope you’ll join me on a new adventure to find your best relationship yet. Because the best is yet to come. I just know it!

Course Curriculum

Dating Mindset Audit

Why your mindset is the secret sauce to success in love

Knowing your dating roadblocks

The roadmap to your dating triggers

The game changer to your mindset

Dating Mindset Overhaul

Removing triggers: shift your mindset for love

Breaking the cycle: strategies to attract good men only (4:05)

The technique to make you feel 100% date or no date (3:49)

Tools to coping with anxiety + feng shui tips to attract love [FAST]

How to deal with rejection like a high value woman + Know you’re enough

The Complete Set Up for L-O-V-E

Self-care routines that make you a man magnet

Love Meditations (Download)

My ultimate mindset for love reading list + affirmations


The secrets to attraction (that have NOTHING to do with looks)

Creating online dating profiles that bring in quality men

The qualities of a high value woman that men LOVE (you have them, it’s up to you to unleash them)

The pre-date toolbox that will keep nerves at bay

How to be your most confident self so you’ll never have to worry if you’ll ever meet the one


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!