Jamie Miner – BPPV: Accurately Identify the Cause to Construct the Best Treatment Plan

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Accurately Identify the Cause to Construct the Best Treatment Plan

Jamie Miner – BPPV: Accurately Identify the Cause to Construct the Best Treatment Plan

Jamie Miner
1 Hour 53 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jul 31, 2020


Learn various maneuvers to treat BPPV, as well as the efficacy of each maneuver. You’ll be able to distinguish the different presentations of anterior canal BPPV and confidently determine the involved canal in horizontal BPPV. Take away advanced assessment techniques to identify the difference between BPPV and central disorders mimicking BPPV.


Manual – BPPV: Accurately Identify the Cause to Construct the Best Treatment Plan (2.3 MB) 67 Pages Available after Purchase


Choose the Best Treatment for BPPV

  • Distinguishing presentations of anterior canal BPPV
  • Determine the involved canal in horizontal BPPV

Advanced Assessment Techniques

  • Review of standard technique
  • Presentation of alternate techniques
  • Efficacy of each maneuver

Latest Surgical Treatment Options

  • Current techniques
  • How to distinguish treatment options for intractable BPPV
  • Case study


Jamie Miner, PT, DPT, GCS's Profile

Jamie Miner, PT, DPT, GCS Related seminars and products: 9

Jamie Miner, PT, DPT, GCS, provides specialized services to many SNFs. She has experience in home health, acute care, outpatient vestibular rehab and fall prevention, acute rehab, sub-acute rehab, and long-term care. Additionally, she serves as a clinical instructor to many doctoral physical therapy students and as an adjunct professor at Shenandoah University and Campbell University. Jamie graduated with a BS degree in PT from UNC Chapel Hill, a DPT from Shenandoah University and earned her vestibular certification at Emory University in March 2003.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Jamie Miner has an employment relationship with Rehabcare, Galloway Ridge Facility. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Shenandoah University. Ms. Miner receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Jamie Miner has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/bppv-accurately-identify-construct-treatment-plan-65880
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/4vawt

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