Jeff Paul – Make Money In Your Underwear Boot Camp

$62.00 $397.00 Sale

Jeff Paul – Make Money In Your Underwear Boot Camp

Jeff Paul – Make Money In Your Underwear Boot Camp

Make Money In Your Underwear Bootcamp

It’s Time To ‘Get Together’ With Jeff Paul On Tape, So You Can Hear All The Inside Secrets Revealed At Our Two Day, Direct Marketing Success Bootcamp…

Hear My Students And Me Reveal Every Detail About Making Money Quick And Easy, Sitting At Home In Our Underwear In The Complete, Unedited Tapes Of The Bootcamp!”

Dear Friend:

Here’s the information you need regaridng “getting together” on tape, to hear me share my, unique, one-of-a-kind, “How To Make Money Quick And Easy Sitting At Home In Your Underwear” direct marketing information with you! Now, you can make a ton of money sitting at home in your underwear…just like I have, and like so many other Jeff Paul Direct Marketing Success students are…without having to travel to our seminars in Chicago!

Not that seminars aren’t great. They are! But, by getting my bootcamp tapes, you’ll have the closest thing to being there…and be able to learn the amazing, insider’s secrets revealed by myself, my students and my world class guest speakers like the one and only Dan Kennedy!

At my bootcamps, everyone took home tons of real world, usable, proven, nuts and bolts money making details from me, our incredible guest speakers…and from hearing my most successful students explain EXACTLY how they use my system to have obscene amounts of cash deposited into their checkbooks…working from home, in their underwear!

In fact, why not take a second to hear what others who’ve attended said after attending a seminar:

M. Jans: “I’m a busy person with 5 kids and a business I’ve owned for several years. I wanted to increase my income quickly and still have time for my family. Last month, I added $36,781 in sales using Jeff’s system. That was in my spare time. Thank you, Jeff!”

T. Hunefeld: ” … I started from scratch with nothing more than an idea in July of 1995, and by the first week of September 1996 (14 months), have sold $323,762 of my own system, and am now on a $2 million a year pace.”

T. Jampech: “When I came to this seminar Bootcamp, my partner and I did not yet have a concrete plan of action. About half-way through the first day the “plan” hit both of us at the same time like a bolt of lightening. We are now both on the same wavelength and on FIRE with motivation and excitement. I can’t thank you and all your people enough. I am now confident that we will greatly succeed.”

J. Jacoby: “There is a disparity – by the information given from the kit and the seminar, it should cost $5,000! It’s GREAT, GREAT. I really liked the simple model and am interested in more seminars like this. Of all the decisions I’ve made, this is the best. I started getting magazines and materials on business opportunities and this is the one I chose because of your no bullshit approach.”

Anon.: “I felt the seminar was well organized. The printed material and outlines are a very effective way to guide first timers as well as those of us who have a good grounding in the material already. I really liked the candid, casual format and the attitude of honest, blunt communication of facts. Paul Hartunian’s presentation was great as well. Coming to these seminars will wake you up, give you the tools to get your butt out of bed and do something for yourself. You can’t depend on a job, luck, college education or looks. If you want to be free, learn to market and find a niche.”

L. Klein: “There is so much bullshit being sold in the world, so many incompetent people, so many people who just don’t follow-through. Jeff Paul is the exception. He delivers what he says.

D. McWilliams: “Having the written course in hand was an eye-opener. Attending the seminar drove all the points home and motivated me to do something and stop thinking about it. Having the study course and not attending the seminar may be a big mistake. Thanks for opening my eyes. I now have a new goal. I want to be a speaker and an example at a future seminar!”
Get immediately download Haled Jeff Paul – Make Money In Your Underwear Boot Camp

D. Ray: “This is my first real seminar, but definitely not my last. I’ve actually attended one other, now that I think about it, I guess I forgot about it, because it was so impersonal…I can’t wait to get started. Your Bootcamp is really a turbo-charger! With your guidance, I think success stories are probably commonplace.”

A. Robinson: “I have found that the Jeff Paul system is the very best teaching system for learning how to develop your own home-based business in the world. This course, along with the Bootcamp, are the equivalent of a Ph.D. in marketing. You could not get a better education even if you paid $200,000 for a Harvard MBA. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is even remotely interested in having their own home-based business. It is the winner hands-down.”

R. Ipach: “I think I’ve just stepped on to the highway of success. All the pieces of the puzzle have now been put together. This seminar probably has saved me 6 months of spinning my wheels.”

M. Pilinski: “You’re very honest and straightforward. I found that this whole program has set me on the right track in this business and saved me years of floundering around on my own. Well worth it, thanks!”

R. Trent: “I believe this is exactly what I needed to get started. Thank you.”

Not too shabby, huh?

Successful seminars like ours are in great demand.  Unfortunately, they’re not easy to come by.  But we are providing you with an opportunity to “attend” the same seminar that generated all these comments. How, you may ask?

It’s through a complete, unedited set of audio tapes….of the entire 18 hour live seminar!  What better way to give you important information that you can access whenever and wherever you want?  So, whether or not you joined us in person, you can now sit at home or drive in your car and hear…

Right From The Horses’ Mouths…How Both Myself And My MOST SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Place Ads, Take Orders, Sit At Home And Make Thousands Of Dollars Each And Every Day In Our Underwear!!

See – I know that no matter how great seminars are, there’s a lot to be learned from tapes that you can listen to over and over again…whenever and wherever you want.  And I know from my own experience, when people are really comfortable in their surroundings, they’re more open to learning.  So, I’m offering this opportunity to you to turn your car into a rolling PhD. level library of direct marketing success!

You will hear about how our phones ring off the hook and how people give me hundreds of dollars for items that cost me a few bucks. I will tell you how I set up our tiny office that takes in more revenue than businesses with twenty times the space and staff!

You’re going to get a rare audio “look” inside one of the highest revenue and profit generating businesses for its size anywhere…and hear with your own ears EXACTLY what MY WILDLY SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS and I do, how we do it…so you can stay home and DO IT FOR YOURSELF IN YOUR UNDERWEAR! And, because of the fact that tapes are a repeatable learning method…you can listen to them over and over and over again!  (A benefit of tapes of live seminars that make them even better than the live event itself!)

After hearing my tapes, you’ll realize that Peggy and I are no different than you, or anyone else. We love each other, have “disagreements,” love watching our kids grow up, wear blue jeans, and are just, well, regular people. You’ll get to “meet” me and hear everything taught in my seminar, everything TRUE thing about this business, and hear how anyone can replicate what I’ve done!!

Let’s face it, nothing beats finding out just how somebody successful does something…or how they see things or define the world. A really great teacher is one who can describe things so well, make whatever they’re talking about so crystal clear, that you can close your eyes and “see” exactly what they’re talking about.  It’s like painting a picture of the entire Grand Canyon with words!

Well-done tapes can do this same thing.  And my seminar tape is an excellent one!  But…

You’re going to get in the driver’s seat and “see” EXACTLY how my multi-million dollar students and I do what we do…and how easy it will be for you to do it, too!

Of course, the big benefit of sitting and listening to me, my incredibly rich students who work in their underwear, as well as other guest experts tell you EXACTLY what they do to make so much money, is that you, too, can break the bonds of your job or the business you’re now running…to get your career in a home-based, information mail order business going!

You’ll hear, first hand, from me and my students and guest speakers how to get your home based business rolling along like a steamroller, bulldozing your way through the path of mediocrity and boredom!  Moving into a challenging, exciting world where you sit at home, talk on the phone and have checks and credit card orders placed in your bank account.

Yes, that’s the kind of life I’ve lived for the last dozen years. As you know, we gave you the complete story of that in the “How To Make Money Quick And Easy At Your Kitchen Table In Your Underwear” course. But, as we’ve learned over the years…

Some People Just Learn Better From Listening; Having Everything Explained By The Teacher And Successful Students Live, In-Person!

Let my brain and the brains of my students dump into yours…in the comfort of your home, office, or car. There’s nothing like a good tape – with the right speakers giving you the right kind of information!

That’s what I’ve got for you.  No theories, no B.S., no image, no professionalism – nothing but down-to-earth, power-packed, street smart direct-response marketing secrets and techniques – that will take a nonexistent or mediocre, poor performing business…to a superstar business!

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!