Jeffrey Smith – The Ultimate SEO Bootcamp

$85.00 $997.00 Sale

Jeffrey Smith – The Ultimate SEO Bootcamp

Jeffrey Smith – The Ultimate SEO Bootcamp

SEO Bootcamp

SEO Bootcamp is a 5 week online class that teaches how to optimize your website for higher search engine positioning.

During this class you’ll learn how to:
  •  Find the best keywords using competitor, keyword and market analysis to out-position your competition.
  •  Write compelling meta titles and descriptions that get more clicks.
  •  Structure your site architecture based on topics to increase relevance & rank for hundreds of keywords.
  •  Write optimized content that ranks higher by using the top ranked sites proven keywords and synonyms.
  •  Implement agency-grade technical on-page SEO (schema &structured markup, internal linking and more) like a BOSS.
  •  Leverage your RSS feed and create inbound links and social signals (every time you publish).
Ready to Start Ranking for All the Best Keywords?

Now it’s time to do something about it!

Easily overtake ALL of your top-ranking competitors with simple step-by-step strategies and tactics that show you ways to appear for hundreds of the most profitable keywords…
Can’t wait?
This training reveals exactly how to:
  •  Target, Identify, and extract your competitors most profitable keywords.
  •  Reverse-engineer and displace their pages using proven, battle-tested SEO tactics.
  •  Find the best niches by identifying missed opportunities in the market.
Here’s the [Market Recon Course Overview] It’s One of 5 Modules Inside the Course.
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This is the Course Outline for Market Recon > Scroll Down to Watch One Lesson – FREE! 
Inside SEO Bootcamp, You’ll Get Access to 5 Training Modules: 
Each module contains several over-the-shoulder training video / lessons [See screenshot below].
How is the SEO Bootcamp Course Delivered
  •  Module I: Week 1 – Market Recon: Shows you how to conduct keyword research and competitor analysis to find the most profitable keywords, topics and questions that people are using to find products and services like yours.
  •  Module II: Week 2 – Site Architecture Intelligence: Shows you how to integrate the keywords you discovered into your site architecture. Types of site architecture covered in the training include flat, virtually themed, siloed or topical site architecture (for e-commerce) and which is best depending on your ranking objectives.
  • Module III: Week 3 – The Tactical Content Blueprint: Will teach you how to write content that ranks based on the proven semantic signals of the top 16 ranked competitors.
  •  Module IV: Week 4 – On Page SEO Ops: Reveals an insane arsenal of on-page technical SEO tactics and techniques from the trenches that you can use to start fresh or streamline existing pages.
  • Module V: Week 5 – Off Page SEO Ops: Will teach you exactly how to create social metrics and backlinks by leveraging the power of your RSS feed to augment and create ranking signals.
  •   Advanced SEO Ops: Bonus Training – Special Operations, We’d tell you but… well, you know… just get access and see for yourself.
Each week a new module is released (over a 5 week period).
Whether you’re a entrepreneur, business owner or service provider, SEO Bootcamp has proven, actionable SEO tactics and techniques.
Here’s the 1st lesson FREE from Market Recon [14 more video lessons in this module inside].
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The class is taught in an easy-to-understand conversational tone designed for the layman, so you can use the information to create actionable results. Get access to the complete training today.
GET SEO Bootcamp Now for $997
The Complete SEO Bootcamp Training Shows You How to:
  •  Target, Identify, and extract your competitors most profitable keywords in 20 minutes or less.
  •  Create the perfect optimization plan to drive more profitable traffic to your website.
  •  Identify and optimize 22 common SEO Issues that 95% of others miss.
  •  Implement your own agency-level SEO to save thousands of dollars.
  •  Optimize your keywords, site architecture, titles, meta data, content, and on-page SEO to rank higher by design (not by chance).

And all this life-changing information is just a few seconds away when you click the button above.
What Customers are Saying About this Training
Even with dozens of hired SEO’s over 15 years, none have touched upon half of what Jeffrey shared… and I only finished the 2nd lesson
– Adrian B., Chicago

There are so many SEO “gurus” and “experts” selling snake oil it’s refreshing to have someone teach real, solid strategies (instead of tactics) that actually work!

– Sonya Coke, Los Angeles
-Ken Krueger
“I’ve purchased many courses on SEO and most were based on tactics that are here today – gone tomorrow or just contained basic info you can find online for free.

SEO Bootcamp is light years ahead of other courses as it gives you all the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. Whether you are doing SEO for big corporate sites, local business or affiliate sites – this course is for you.

The keyword training section shows new and powerful ways to do keyword research like a boss – just this section alone is worth twice the price of the full course.
Jeff clearly lays out what you should be doing (most industry veterans don’t even know this) and how to destroy your competitors.
If you truly want to master ranking websites and get insider info that you won’t find anywhere else, I strongly suggest you get this course and take massive action – you’ll be glad you did.”
First training course that’s changed my thinking on core SEO strategies in about 3 years. Highly recommended.
– Mark Bryce-Sharron
Sussex SEO

Short videos to the point and in depth, picked up some new ideas for keyword research just from Week 1’s training. Support is also on the ball when you need them.

– Keith James Best


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!