Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy Program Level 1

$45.00 $225.00 Sale

Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy Program Level 1

Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy Program Level 1

For Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy Program Level 1

This work has been specifically designed by the Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Teachers of Light to build a pathway for those seeking to enhance their spiritual growth and personal development.Level 1 Program
An important Shift of Consciousness is occurring within you and the planet. What is your role as a Healer, Teacher or Leader during this important time?In order to master Alchemy, transforming one possibility into another, you first must reconstruct the fundamental structure of your Personal Power Field.Your Personal Power Field is a self-contained energy field. Once re-constructed, your Personal Power Field will give you the ability to expand your awareness and activate the new wiring system required to recognize and integrate new possibilities.

How Will Your Life Change?


Learn tools to quiet the noise and drama in your life

Master the art of remaining unaffected by the increasing chaos of the world

Leverage the power of the Seven Living Words

Dissolve self-limiting habits and patterns that were imprinted upon you as a child, but were never yours

Access the Inner Sanctuary within your Sacred Heart and create a conscious, intentional connection with your Soul. Know all that your Soul knows

Unify the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself, balancing your brain’s hemispheres

Remember who you are and what you came here to accomplish

Discover your role as a Healer, Teacher and Leader

Begin to see with your eyes closed

Change your DNA coding, increase your oxygen levels, and anchor your fourth and fifth dimensional chakra systems

Learn to use the Rays of Creation

Remember your role in Atlantis

PLUS we will continue to send you new material as Jim receives it from the Archangels and other Teachers of Light. This course has been specially designed so you can receive all the tools and training in a leisurely and comfortable manner, without the inconvenience or expense of travel. JOIN ANYTIME.

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