Judy Satori – Becoming God ~ Goddess

$39.00 $147.00 Sale

Judy Satori – Becoming God ~ Goddess

Being in Love, loving ourselves and being loving is the greatest gift of life …
God~Goddess is the ‘Ascension Capstone’ for the creation of the new fifth dimensional human. This energy will also help you BE and ATTRACT love.
We are energy beings and what we are, what vibration we are resonating with, is what will magnetize and attract back to us and our life. When we operate from a balanced love vibration we attract balanced love back to us.
It is true to say that cultivating the vibration of love within us as individuals is the single most important thing that we can do to attract love to us in a relationship, friendship, and in the loving of our life. — LISTEN to the introduction below.
Judy Satori | Ascension Library
Introduction & Overview
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Becoming God~Goddess will expand you further into Love than ever before:
It will clear blocks to LOVE – helping you to anchor and activate your Divine feminine and masculine authentic soul self .. allowing you to attract LOVE.
It will help people to love themselves and others in a much deeper and more compassionate way.
It will assist those who wish to attract a partner into their life.
The energies of God within this program will rapidly and significantly expand your capacity to experience and attract love.
In addition, this program will reconnect you to your authentic God Self and to that authentic love-filled part of your soul. This is who you were at the beginning of your soul’s incarnation into physical form. That part of you that may have been subdued and diminished and trampled on by life experience.
This program will open you into love from the inside out like a beautiful pink rosebud opening to become a rose. Don’t be surprised if magic begins to happen … it’s your time now as a God creator and you can create all the love that you draw.

Archive: https://archive.ph/QBLsG

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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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