Julie Stoian + Cathy Olson – Launch Gorgeous

$92.00 $1,997.00 Sale

Julie Stoian + Cathy Olson – Launch Gorgeous

Julie Stoian + Cathy Olson – Launch Gorgeous

Launch Gorgeous is a 12 Week, Step-by-Step ‘Done Together’ Program Helping You Create Repeatable and Profitable Launch Campaigns That Sell Your Digital Products

This live program will help you sell, even when you aren’t actually selling… using proven launch strategies. This works whether:

  • You’re selling a digital course, a membership site, or a coaching program.
  • You have a tiny list or NO list (fact: our most successful students start with a zero list)
  • You use organic or paid traffic.
  • You’re launching your first or 50th digital offer.

Over the last two years, we’ve had thousands of our students implement these doable strategies and yield profitable results, not to mention the results we’ve had in our own business too!

We’ve tested and perfected the launch process to make sure what you’re getting access to is fully optimized for your launch success.
FACT: Our last launch yielded over $125,000 in sales in just 7 days, on a $197 product!

PSA: Launch Gorgeous is NOT an online course.

This is a 12-week live, outcome-focused “done together” program and digital asset bundle where you come in with the offer you’ll create in Offer Cure and Funnel Rx, and walk away with a fully outlined, ready-to-deploy profitable online launch campaign by April 1st, 2020.
We know the reality of content overwhelm, so this program will begin AFTER you’ve completed Offer Cure and Funnel Rx. We’ll begin fresh in January!

As with all our products, during each phase you’ll get an all-meat, no-fluff training, homework assignments, and our signature shortcuts that ensure by the end of the program, you are READY to open the doors and launch your offer.

Build Your

(Hungry) Audience

Repeat after us…

“Never build your offer in a vacuum” – This is why 9 out of 10 launches fail.
Build a warm (hungry) audience a.k.a an email list of primed prospects who are engaged, excited, and can’t wait to devour your paid offers… instead of you launching to crickets or waking up to Zero payment notifications.
Do this right and you can look forward to celebratory champagne clinks instead of drinking to calm the PTSDs.
By the end of this phase, you’ll be actively growing an audience.
Lock In Your Profitable
Launch Campaign Strategy

Webinar? Video series? Emails? Oh My!

Say goodbye to decision overwhelm as we help you get Swarovski clear clarity on a launch campaign strategy that works for you.
You’ll know exactly what daily step(s) to execute for your pre-launch, launch and post launch without feeling bouts of paranoia because you’re afraid you’ve forgotten to “take care of something”.
By the end of this phase, your entire launch plan will be built in impeccable detail.
Craft Your Profitable
Offer Design

Launch with uber confidence when you do one of two things in this phase:

1. Construct an irresistible offer from scratch
2. Improve an existing offer so compelling prospects can’t say no.  
A great offer is the difference between your head hitting the pillow the night before cart opens, dreaming of a flurry of payment notifications and laying awake incessantly worrying “is my offer good enough?” (Trust us, you don’t want that).
By the end of this phase, you’ll have your offer and “Minimum Viable Funnel” built and ready to go.
Turn On The 
(Non-Fake-Urgency) Pressure

Learn how to build viral worthy online buzz well in advance of your actual product launch. Use our anticipation and pressure building strategies so you know exactly what to say (in your sales and marketing copy) and make your launch announcement with a bang.

The good news? You won’t need boatloads of cash, an Eiffel tower photoshoot, or the personality of a slick oiled used car salesman to “pressure” your leads to buy.
Warning: These strategies will cause mass hysteria breakouts (read: a frenzy of signups on your waitlist page followed by conversions on your sales page)
By the end of this phase, you will be engaging with your audience, building pressure, and getting people
excited to buy.
Launch Plan Execution 
& Delivery

Create a rock solid plan to deliver “the goods” in a timely (and non-overwhelming) manner.

Here’s the thing with failed launches: It’s either that they’re content heavy and marketing sparse or vice versa. For a successful launch, you’ll need the perfect balance of both.
In this module you’ll learn exactly when and how to release each product with clockwork precision (and without losing your mind).
By the end of this phase, you’ll be prepared to handle all the details of your launch week, including onboarding and customer service questions and inquiries.
3… 2… 1…

Buckle your seatbelt…you’ve got all the pieces of your launch together and it’s time for blastoff.

Together we’ll map out exactly what will happen during launch week all the way down to frenzy generating social media posts, high converting emails, stories that are memorable and hook the readers, pull at their heartstrings, and ethically charm them to open their wallets!
Dig into a treasure trove of highly curated swipe files, templates, checklists, and case studies to ensure there are no launch failures.
By the end of this phase, you’ll have CUSTOMERS! Your launch will be blasted off and money will be coming in.

Here’s How You’ll Master All The Above…

Each Phase Comes With

Trainings + Strategy



Assignments + Shortcuts


Help + Time To


We’re going to begin LIVE January 13th, which gives you the chance to get through Offer Cure and Funnel Rx as we close out 2019.

January 13th – 26th

Build Your Audience

January 27th – February 9th
Dial In Your Strategy

February 10th – 23rd
Craft Your Offer Design

February 24th – March 8th
Build Authentic Pressure

March 9th – 22nd
Finalize Launch Execution

March 23rd – 31st
Make Money + Land Customers!

In our Offer Cure course, you’ll map out an irresistible Offer, and with Funnel Rx you’ll start building out your incredible Funnel.
We want you to get all that done, so you’re ready to hit the ground running with us in January!
  • A laser-focused OUTCOME for each phase.
  • Strategic and tactical training on what, why, and most importantly…. How.
  • Our signature trademark bundle of swipe, shortcuts, and files that will make getting your assignments done! 
  • Clear instructions on what to do so you’re not lost, confused, or unsure!

We also purposely give you two weeks to complete each phase so you never feel rushed or overwhelmed.

We know this works, because we’ve done it over and over, with repeatable success for ourselves and our customers.

*Don’t worry – everything is recorded and YOURS, so even if you miss a session or get behind, you won’t lose access to the material!

BONUS 1: Pop Up Facebook Group (value $1000)

A rising tide lifts all boats.

We couldn’t agree more, and that’s what we promise with our private members-only FB Group.

This isn’t just a random “throw in” or a place for superficial rah rah support.
It’s a curated community of highly engaged fellow launchers who can get even the most launch averse, tech averse, or copy averse entrepreneur(s) unstuck in a matter of minutes and propel them to action.

BONUS 2: The Ultimate Funnel Gorgeous Backdoor Access! (value $500)

Don’t let a lack of design skills or hiring expensive graphic designers delay or kill your launches.
Now you can transform your launch assets into beautiful, on brand and profitable cash-flow machines with:
  • Hot-off-the-press gorgeous presentation slide decks (includes strategic planning and writing your presentations). 
  • Customizable launch funnel assets (read: waitlist page, landing page, sales page, etc.) 
  • Brand-envy social media graphic assets (released in Jan, Feb, March 2020).
Get up to $500 of free Funnel Gorgeous templates to use for whatever you need for your launch!

BONUS 3: 12 Weeks of Live Q & A Sessions (value $2000)

Need to get your burning questions answered, clarity if you’re stuck, or our eyeballs on your launch campaigns?
You got it!
With Julie and Cathy in your corner, you’ll turn your frustration into an endless stream of “heck ya, I did that” moments.
We’ll go live once a week (outside of the scheduled strategic trainings) to answer questions and help you get unstuck.


Launch Gorgeous Bundle

  • Launch Gorgeous Program (Value $3,000)
  • Offer Cure (Value $37)
  • Funnel Rx (Value $97)
  • ​$500 to Spend in FG Store (Value $500)
  • ​Bonus Funnel Gorgeous Hoodie (Value $50)
  • ​One Raffle Entry to Win Grand Prize (Priceless)
Six LIVE ‘Done-Together’ Phases (LIVE beginning January 13, 2020) With Training + Swipeables (value $6000)
All the Swipeables you need including:
• Trello Boards
• Swipe Copy
• Hook and Campaign Ideas
• Sample Subject Lines and more!
BONUS 1: Pop Up Facebook Group (value $1000)
BONUS 2: The Ultimate Funnel Gorgeous Backdoor Access! (value $500)
BONUS 3: 12 Weeks of Live Q&A Sessions (value $2000)
Regular Price = $3,634.00
Black Friday Price = Only $1997
Here’s what some of our
amazing clients have been able to achieve
with Launch Gorgeous
Julia welcomed 100 students and made over $10k with a beta launch. A pleasant side effect? Her email list grew from 22 to 400+ and her social media following to 5k+. Today, her online course has trained more than 200 students, grossed over $50k in revenue, and is now converted into an “evergreen” offer.
Gregory, a Catholic therapist who launched (for the first time) a membership community called The Integrated life. His launch netted $55k in revenue and a recurring revenue totaling $22,500/month – with ZERO paid traffic.
Esther: “I made $6000 on average with previous launches, now I just broke $100K in one single launch! I implemented everything in the Launch Gorgeous program and it worked.”
Larry, an Amazon wholesaler, launched his digital course for the first time with no paid ad spend, closed cart and welcomed 423 students, making over $800k in sales – following the Launch Gorgeous roadmap step by step.
Micala launched her group coaching program, Overwhelmed to Overbooked, and went from a duct-taped system, converting 2 sales per live launch to a sharp, well-oiled machine complete with marketing best practices. Using Launch Gorgeous, she rose to a 6% buy rate for her first live launch with over 80 sales.

It’s time you propel your zone of genius into profitability-on-steroids with Launch Gorgeous by your side.

Warning: Side effects of this program may include
unprecedented boat loads of revenue!
Burning Qs Your Fellow Launchers Asked Before Working With Us
What if I can’t make the live training sessions?
All sessions will be recorded and YOURS for lifetime access, so even if you miss a session or get behind, you won’t lose access to the material!
What if I’m not ready to launch right now?
We’re going to begin LIVE January 13th 2020, which gives you the chance to get through Offer Cure and Funnel Rx as we close out 2019. We did this for two reasons:
1. You’ll need a compelling Offer (Offer Cure) and Funnel Building (Funnel Rx) basics before launching.
2. We want you to get all that done, so you’re ready to hit the ground running with us in January!
What if I don’t have a compelling offer yet? Will this program help me?

No compelling offer? No problem!

You’re starting in the right place because in weeks 5 & 6, we’ll unpack every single component that is crucial to nail an irresistible offer (and make it so compelling your customers can’t help but “buy”).
We’ll show you exactly how you can dig into your zone of genius and extract a diamond of an offer.
How much help am I going to REALLY get? 

Here are 3 ways that you’ll get ALL the help you need:

#1:  Our world class content
Because of our proven methods and months of testing, we’ve had thousands of our students implement these doable strategies and yield profitable results, not to mention the results we’ve had in our own business too! The content you’re getting access when you join us is fully optimized for your launch success.
We also are known for providing shortcuts – tangible assets that will help you finish things like emails, sales page, social graphics, and more.
#2:   Our Private Facebook Group
Never feel left behind or work on your launch in isolation. EVER!
Be surrounded by highly engaged fellow launchers who can get even the most launch averse, tech averse, or copy averse entrepreneur(s) unstuck in a matter of minutes and propel them to action. Even if we (Cathy and Julie) can’t get to your questions in the FB group, rest assured someone will within minutes and not DAYS!
#3:   12 Weeks of Live Q & A sessions (outside of the scheduled bi-weekly trainings)
If you still find yourself stuck in the weeds, paralyzed by doubts, or just need an “extra” dose of clarity, then bring your burning questions to the 12 live Q & A sessions held every week.
We’ll bring our A-game to get you unstuck and on to the “take action” expressway.
Is there an option to buy Launch Gorgeous outside of your Black Friday special?

We’re glad you asked. The short answer is YES.

But, here’s the caveat: Launch Gorgeous is a $3,000 investment if you were to purchase it outside of Black Friday.
When you invest in Launch Gorgeous today, you’ll get ALL of this in Launch Gorgeous first LIVE round:
Six LIVE ‘Done-Together’ Phases With Training + Swipeables (value $6000)
All the Swipeables you need including:
• Trello Boards
• Swipe Copy
• Hook and Campaign Ideas
• Sample Subject Lines and more!
BONUS 1: Pop Up Facebook Group (value $1000)
BONUS 2: The Ultimate Funnel Gorgeous Backdoor Access! (value $500)
BONUS 3: 12 Weeks of Live Q&A Sessions (value $2000)
Total Value $9500
Future Price $3000
Today’s Price only $1997


Launch Gorgeous Bundle

  • Launch Gorgeous Program (Value $3,000)
  • Offer Cure (Value $37)
  • Funnel Rx (Value $97)
  • ​$500 to Spend in FG Store (Value $500)
  • ​Bonus Funnel Gorgeous Hoodie (Value $50)
  • ​One Raffle Entry to Win Grand Prize (Priceless)
Six LIVE ‘Done-Together’ Phases (LIVE beginning January 13, 2020) With Training + Swipeables (value $6000)
All the Swipeables you need including:
• Trello Boards
• Swipe Copy
• Hook and Campaign Ideas
• Sample Subject Lines and more!
BONUS 1: Pop Up Facebook Group (value $1000)
BONUS 2: The Ultimate Funnel Gorgeous Backdoor Access! (value $500)
BONUS 3: 12 Weeks of Live Q&A Sessions (value $2000)


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!