Laura De Giorgio – Sexual Magnetism

$32.00 $169.00 Sale

Laura De Giorgio – Sexual Magnetism

On Laura De Giorgio Program Called Sexual Magnetism Learn how to:

Create a sexually magnetic personality
Generate Sexual Energie
Project Sexual Energy for one person or a group of people
Project Sexual Energy can be accessed through your eyes and handshakes, as well as other parts of the body, or your mind.
Project Sexual A person or group of people who are present has energy
Project Sexual A person who is physically absent of energy – also known by “Remote Seduction”
Establish rapport with another person
You can lead and coach another person.
Read Sexual Body Language
Use Sexual Body Language to Establish Sexual Rapport
Use the Essential Hypnotic Language Patterns
Mentally Activate and Stimulate Sexual Energy Center of another individual
You can create a sexually magnetic aura around yourself

Here’s what you can expect in the new book Laura De Giorgio – Sexual Magnetism

Screen Recording 2020-09-24 at PM

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