Leigh Spusta – The Warrior’s Emanation

$9.00 $19.00 Sale

Leigh Spusta – The Warrior’s Emanation

Begin to heal, move through emotional energy, release negativity through sounds. Brought to you by internationally recognized Brainwave Audio Entrainment Expert and Composer Leigh Spusta, the deeply relaxing and moving music in this powerful new track is here to assist the listener in:

  • Enhancing Your Spiritual Power
  • Pushing through Emotional Blocks
  • Releasing Old or Negative Emotions
  • Creating New Perspectives on Challenging Issues and Situations
  • Empowerment to Create Positive Changes
  • Accumulating and Harnessing Spiritual Energy
  • Fueling Your Spiritual/Metaphysical Pursuits
  • Journeying Deeper into ConsciousnessThere are times when we feel the need to create a shift in our lives, be it emotionally, circumstantially, or spiritually/metaphysically. This powerful SoundScape is designed to not only create the mental and emotional space for you to work or meditate with, but actually stimulates the movement of energy. This movement may be experienced as emotion or as a more abstract feeling within you, either way, this energy is there to push through blocks, propel your purpose, or to move you into the process of emotional or spiritual healing. The intention you bring into the session will determine it’s direction. So once you decide what that intention is, let the music begin to set the stage and move the energy forward, your consciousness and intention will do the rest.Targets a low alpha and theta brainwave state. Utilizing PsimatiX™ proprietary audio technology. This recording is one continuous 20 minute track.

Sale page: https://hypnosis.edu/leigh-spusta/warriors-emanation

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