Leilani A. Alexander, Gwen S. Legler – Three Dimensional Therapy Study Course

$85.00 $895.00 Sale

Leilani A. Alexander, Gwen S. Legler - Three Dimensional Therapy Study Course

Leilani A. Alexander, Gwen S. Legler – Three Dimensional Therapy Study Course

For Leilani A. Alexander, Gwen S. Legler – Three Dimensional Therapy Study Course

This course for teaching Three Dimensional Therapy (T3) was developed by Gwen S. Legler, MSW and Leilani A. Alexander, MMS. We drew, not only from our education, skills and life’s experiences to develop this method, but because we recognize God as the source of all truth and knowledge, we felt divinely inspired each and every step along the way. Because of the power of this method we encourage practitioners, as they use this method, to rely on their faith for guidance, and to do so prayerfully and carefully.

T3 is an innovative method which has been proven successful on a consistent basis. In our practice, this powerful therapeutic tool is accomplishing in days or weeks what formerly took months and years to accomplish using more traditional methods. Clients are reporting amazing changes for the better in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

As we became successful in what we were doing, we recognized the obligation and responsibility to put this method into a very teachable format that could be used to train others. This course is written to be understood and used by those with a background in energy work and for degreed professionals to use in their private practices. We hope you will find this course to be exciting and adventurous, but more importantly, to expand your life expectations and accomplishments!

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