Logo Design & Construction

$42.00 $149.00 Sale

Logo Design & ConstructionLogo Design & Construction

Every designer needs the ability to deliver a good logo.

Reputation aside, your ability to deliver a good logo is a reflection of your understanding of the fundamentals of logo design. It’s what separates you from the amateurs.

And every business needs a good logo.

A logo is visual shorthand for a brand. Every company, regardless of size or age in the market, needs a logo that will help define their brand and identify who they are to customers.

It’s essential to start with the basics.

Familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals can make all the difference in getting you a $500 logo design project from a $5,000 one. Are you ready to design better logos?

Logo Design 01

This class will help you understand the best practices of logo design.

Learn from the pro

Follow industry veteran Chris Do as he guides you through every step of the logo construction process.

Know your logos

Learn the different characteristics and major classifications of logos to know which type is best for your project.

Master your craft

Separate yourself from the amateurs and design logos that are fundamentally correct and on point.

This is the course I wish I took before I designed my first logo.

The very first logo I ever designed professionally was not good.

Back when I was still enrolled in community college, my brother had introduced me to one of his friends who had their own business. They were in need of a logo, and as an aspiring designer at the time, I jumped on the opportunity.

Knowing only a fraction about logo design, I can very well say I did not do a good job. If you think about all the things that could possibly go wrong with a logo, I probably did half of them in this logo. I chose a horrible typeface, and produced something that was far from memorable.

Most of us, when we’re first starting out, think that the logo should say what it does. That very first logo I made? I thought it needed to explain everything the business did. That’s where things became messy.

It took me years to understand how logos are constructed, why you do what you do to make logos, and what they should communicate. But now I want you to avoid the mistakes I made, and grasp the best practices of logo construction.

Now in terms of what makes a logo look good, well…that’s not so cut-and-dried. But there are some basic rules to logo design. And I’ll teach you all of them, plus many more, throughout this course.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned through a private arts education, working full-time, and servicing clients, and put together this in-depth curriculum for you to master logo design.

This course gives you the opportunity to look over the shoulders of professional designers and see how they craft beautiful, impactful logos. Step inside their mindset and thinking, and learn how clients can fall in love with the work you do.

It’s my hope that when you are finished with Logo Design 1, you will understand the different types and classifications of logos and create marks that follow the principles of good design.

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