Mark Manson – Dating & Relationship Course

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Mark Manson - Dating & Relationship Course

Mark Manson – Dating & Relationship Course

Learn How You Can Turn Boring Small Talk Into Exciting And Meaningful Conversations
No More Uncomfortable Silences, Boring Stories, And Social Awkwardness — Reinvigorate Your Social Interactions Today

You’ve been there. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

Standing in front of that one person who you desperately want to impress, who you want to think you’re the coolest person in the world, and then you open your mouth to speak.


…Nothing comes out. Just silence. And awkwardness. Silence wrapped in awkwardness with an extra helping of feeling-like-a-dumbass on top.

Or even worse: Maybe you say way too much. You blab and blab and blab and then that super-cool-trying-so-hard-to-impress-them person gets that look on their face like you’re a freak…

…And suddenly you realize that you told them about that really embarrassing thing you promised yourself that you’d never tell anyone about and now you feel like a dolt.

Yup, we’ve all been there.

Maybe you’re there more often than others. Maybe you’ve always been there, continually placing said-foot into said-mouth.

Socializing well — with charisma, with charm, with fluidity — is possibly the most important skill humans can acquire. Our entire lives revolve around our social relationships. And if we can’t communicate to others effectively or in a unique or interesting way —

Well, we just get left behind.

Anyone Can Develop Charisma And Social Confidence, You Just Have To Know How

I used to see it all the time back when I was a dating coach. People with awesome personalities, cool life experiences, interesting hobbies and ideas, a well-put-together life…

And they couldn’t express themselves worth a damn.

Talking to them was like watching paint dry.

No, wait, it was worse, it was like watching somebody watch paint dry. It was meta-boring…

And then you had the people who were just awkward and random. You’d talk about tea, and they’d start explaining the NASA Voyager missions to Saturn’s moons. You’d ask what time it was and they’d say, “Yes, more tea please.”

It was just strange.

It was around this time I realized that it doesn’t matter how great of a person you are if you cannot share yourself with others.

And so I set to find a solution for people’s basic social skills problems.

It took a number of years of experimenting and researching, but I eventually put together a series of exercises that people could use to improve their social skills.

Some of these exercises were taken from improv comedy. Others were taken from acting classes. Others were taken from social psychology and public speaking courses.

But in the end, I put something together that worked. And it worked damn well.

The problem is that most people who suck at social interactions believe one of two things:

  1. That social interactions are something to be learned and executed logically.
  2. That socializing well and being charismatic is something that one is simply “born with.”

Neither of these are true. Conversations are creative exercises, therefore they require skills and habits of the creative brain, not the logical brain (this is why “nerdy” people tend to be the most socially awkward — they’re always being too logical!)

And like anything else — lifting weights, learning an instrument, cooking macaroni and cheese — social interactions are something that can be practiced and improved. Nobody is born permanently awkward, just like nobody is born permanently weak.

I created “The Connection Course” in 2011. Since then, over 1,000 people have gone through it, and they have since changed their lives, their relationships, and their conversations forever.

When You Sign Up For The ‘Connection Course’ You Will Also Learn:

  • The 3-Step Storytelling Formula to make every story interesting and exciting, as well as specific exercises to practice it.
  • 4 Reasons why being introverted or shy is NOT a valid excuse for having poor social skills. In fact, it can be quite the opposite.
  • 3 tricks for building deep, meaningful connections with people, even if you haven’t known them for very long.
  • The trick for keeping the conversation going at all times. Never run out of anything to say ever again.
  • 2 exercises to improve your sense of humor and ability to relate disparate ideas in cool and unexpected ways.
  • How to smoothly escalate small talk into deep, life-changing topics, regardless of the situation or who you’re speaking to.
  • The one immortal “psychological hack” that somehow makes people think you’re the most interesting person on the whole damn planet. Seriously, it’s spooky how this works.
  • And much more…

Shipping method

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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