Michael S. Broder – Overcoming Your Depression

$9.00 $12.00 Sale

Michael S. Broder – Overcoming Your Depression

Depression can be severe and debilitating, or it can be rather mild – of the variety that many people have, but never even bother to address. But what all depression has in common, is that to some degree it takes the joy, the laughter, and the sweetness out of life. And sometimes depression can virtually destroy your whole quality of life. You may even know the root causes of your depression. But that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to correct.

This audiotherapy program is used and highly recommended by psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and other types of mental health professionals throughout the English speaking world with their own patients/clients to supplement treatment. Now it is available to you!

Dr. Broder teaches you exactly what depression is, to identify both the triggers and causes of your depression, how to attack your depression on the spot as well as at its roots, and most importantly – how to bring about permanent relief. Through a series of state-of-the-art, clinically-proven exercises and strategies, you will quickly see results!

Proof Content

Salepage: https://www.amazon.com/Overcoming-Depression-Shortest-Audiocassette-Workbook/dp/1889577014
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/1cqse

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