Norman Shealy – Retraining the Nervous System


Norman Shealy - Retraining the Nervous System

Norman Shealy – Retraining the Nervous System

For Norman Shealy – Retraining the Nervous System

For over 100 years the concept of self-regulation has been scientifically studied. Beginning in 1912 Dr. Johannes H. Schultz developed a self-hypnosis approach called Autogenic Training (AT – also known as Basic Schultz).

In 1969 the first of six volumes of scientific overview was published, including 2600 scientific references. Today there are over 17,000 references. Schultz demonstrated that 80% of stress illnesses could be successfully managed with AT. Students, athletes and business people became more successful using AT.

In the early 1970’s Dr. Elmer Green introduced biofeedback training, using feedback of EEG, Temperature and EMG to assist patients with overcoming a wide variety of chronic illnesses, beginning with migraine and hypertension, and proceeding to numerous other illnesses. In 1977 Dr. Shealy introduced the broader use of Biogenics which has been shown to be of great benefit in thousands of patients with chronic pain and depression. This includes basic biofeedback approaches and numerous exercises to assist individuals in learning specific control over sensation and muscle tension, as well as releasing past trauma.

Our Biogenics audio products are combined with revolutionary Sound Technology from Samvit Sound™ to support the brain wave states conducive to healing, recovery, focus, concentration, relaxation, sleep and so much more. Combined with your intention, these are inexpensive tools to enhance your life.

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