Online Copywriting and Conversion Coaching MMG!


Online Copywriting and Conversion Coaching MMG!

Online Copywriting and Conversion Coaching MMG!

For Online Copywriting and Conversion Coaching MMG!

Are you frustrated (or even embarrassed) by your website’s clunky, confusing sales copy?

You’re not alone.

As a marketer, you know that having a strong value proposition & relevant messaging is critical for maximizing conversions.

But knowing this doesn’t make writing them any easier.

Pinpointing what’s uniquely valuable about your product? That’s hard enough. Figuring out how to convey this value in words that convert … That can seem damn-near impossible.

But crafting high-converting value propositions and perfecting your sales page copy doesn’t have to be a painful, frustrating ordeal

You don’t need to start writing by staring haplessly at a blank page.

What you do need is a step-by-step framework for turning those dry product specs into stellar, sticky sales copy. You need a repeatable, research-driven framework you & your team can come back to again and again.

… Which is precisely why we created this course.

Watch the introduction video (3 min)

After taking this course, you’ll:

  • Know how to systematically “tear down” & rebuild the copy of virtually any sales page
  • Nail your messaging through rigorous voice-of-customer research
  • Ditch the clichés and infuse your copy with authenticity & passion
    Weave your messages together into a story that sells
  • Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-life motivations
  • Craft value propositions that capture visitors’ attention & pull them in

See how elite copywriters go from asking questions … to analyzing research … to creating messaging flows … to crafting the final copy.

PLUS: Get a complete kit of conversion-copywriting worksheets, templates & checklists along with the course, so you can immediately transfer & apply everything you’ve learned into your own business.

The most complete copywriting course I’ve attended so far. Aside being a difficult methodology to implement thoroughly (quite taxing on time and nerves), certainly the most air-tight approach to squeezing every last drop of copy’s power to convert.

Nenad Stojanovich, Copywriting @ NWS Designs

This course is packed with gold! Momoko is an awesome teacher – I took the course late so only got access to recordings, and even with that, I am able to use every bit of it in my deliverable.

Yasmine de Aranada, Growth Strategist @ Market 8

This has been one of the most valuable courses I’ve taken. Providing content guidance to customers can be particularly challenging but Momoko’s approach provided us a clear and testable framework to apply in our consultations. Our results have been profound and our customers understand our copy goals. What used to be a a challenging undertaking is now a collaborative exercise in understanding customer experience and turning those insights into targeted messaging! I highly recommend this course to digital marketers, copywriters, and conversion optimizers. Copy-first design FTW!

Dave Hussey, Managing Director @ Grindflow Management LLC

Learn how to fix your value propositions, product messaging & sales page copy … in just 9 sessions

Got a sales page or website that needs a serious messaging makeover?

Bring it to class and apply what you learn immediately as conversion copywriting maven Momoko Price reveals the exact process she uses to optimize messaging & page copy for enterprises, agencies & startups like Intuit, MetaLab, and Respondly (recently acquired by Buffer).

This course is right for you if…

  • You’re in charge of marketing, drive traffic to key landing pages (including your homepage), and feel like you just can’t get the needle moving
  • You’re tired of taking an ineffective “spaghetti” approach to your messaging (a.k.a. throwing random ideas around & seeing what sticks)
  • You suspect (or know) that your sales page copy … well, sucks (hallmarks of sucky sales page copy: persistently low conversion rate, +60% bounce rate, visitors fail to scroll, few CTA clicks)
  • Your team desperately needs a clear, structured, documented process for sales-page copywriting it can go back to again & again

Momoko Price

Momoko Price is an experienced conversion copywriter who kept sketching user flows & wireframes as part of her “writing” work.

She brings a powerful one-two punch to every client project.

While she mostly helps startups find their key messaging, she’s worked with giants the likes of Intuit, Scotiabank, AT&T, and Base CRM.

Your full course curriculum

Product messaging

1How to Conduct a Copy “Teardown”

Lesson objectives:

  • Conduct a conversion-focused copy teardown of your own sales page
  • Quantify the persuasive power of your existing copy
  • Identify & prioritize — in just a few minutes — what you should change to improve your sales page copy

2Introduction to Message-Mining

3Mining Messages From Your Customers

4Crafting Effective Unique Value Propositions

5Message Hierarchies

6Writing the First Draft

7Editing & Punching Up Your Copy

8Conversion-Focused Formatting & Layout Home Page Performance

Show off your new skills: Get a certificate of completion

Once you have completed the course, pass a test to earn a CXL certification.

Add it to your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or just get that well-earned raise.

Add your CXL to your LinkedIn profile

You can add your education and certificates to your LinkedIn profile, because CXL is an authorized LinkedIn education provider. That means everything you learned and earned at CXL Institute can be added into the Education section of your profile.

Borrow CXL’s credibility to pad your resume when you’re job hunting. Emphasize new analytics skills when you’re switching careers. Highlight your qualifications and experience to showcase your professional development.

How to find CXL Institute on LinkedIn
Get this course and 50+ others when you sign up for CXL Institute

This course (and all others – full list here) are included with the CXL Institute subscription.

At CXL Institute, you can take online courses on growth, digital marketing, optimization, analytics, persuasion – all in a single subscription.

  • World’s leading practitioners teaching you their best stuff.
  • 50+ online courses on all things data-driven marketing
  • New courses added every single month

Sign up for CXL Institute and get access to

  • 50+ courses (full list here) on all aspects of data-driven marketing (new courses added every month)
  • 4 Minidegrees that give you advanced level skills

Got a team, multiple users? Get our Teams All-Access plan instead.

The CXL Institute guarantee:

  • 7-day no questions asked money back period
  • You can immediately apply learnings and improve your results.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!