Orin – Living With Joy Meditation/Affirmations (No Transcript)

$8.00 $14.00 Sale

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Orin – Living With Joy Meditation/Affirmations (No Transcript)


Contains two programs by Orin.  One program is a guided meditation, the second programs contains affirmations.  Use both to live with joy; to experience more self love, clarity, freedom, and inner peace; and to open to receive your higher good.  Explore your higher purpose, live your life purpose, and take a quantum leap.  Listen to affirmations while you drive, work around the house, garden, and more.  Based on Orin’s book, Living With Joy.

Affirmations: A powerful way to create changes in your life
Affirmations are positive statements that help focus your awareness on your power and ability to create what you want. Listen to affirmations while you drive, work around the house, garden, and more

Sale page: https://www.orindaben.com/catalog/prodno/L100/

Archive: https://archive.fo/mOgsR

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