Paige Brunton – Square Secrets 7.1

$79.00 $900.00 Sale

Paige Brunton – Square Secrets 7.1

MODULE ONE – Business Foundations

We’ll cover what you really need to know about niching, how to create a killer portfolio (even without clients), strategically building a portfolio that attracts the exact type of clients you want to work with, creating a customized design process, how to create packages that fit both with your area of genius and your clients’ needs perfectly and the exact formula to price your services!

MODULE TWO – Getting Clients

By far the biggest in the course, there’s 5 hours of client-finding goodness in this module! We’ll discuss how to balance getting clients immediately vs. landing clients long-term, the pros and cons of common marketing strategies, how to pick a strategy that plays to your talents, plus guest expert interviews with booked out designers on their marketing strategies, and how you can replicate their success

MODULE THREE – Locking Down Sales

My exact free consult calls process and the questions to ask to save yourself serious headaches later, plus the red flags to spot to avoid the cray-cray clients. Then we’ll cover what to do once a client says ‘yes!’ and the exact steps to take, including the tech of collecting payments and signing contracts lightening fast, plus I’ll give you the 1 magical file you need to make your client think ‘darn, I made a great decision!’ and keep the project on track. Plus a look at using a CRM to automate this entire process.

MODULE FOUR – Designing Sites for Clients

Exactly how to collect content and onboard your client, how to tweak the web design process when designing for clients as opposed to yourself, plus the practical tech considerations you need to make when creating sites for others (accounts, logins and passwords, picking plans, etc.). We’ll also cover setting boundaries and collect client feedback in a way that doesn’t make you crazy & a quick & easy offboarding process. Plus the vital steps to take to keep your project on schedule and completed by the deadline on time, every time.

MODULE FIVE – Long-term Business Success

In module five I’m giving you done-for-you templates and repeatable processes so you can do less busy work and more design work, plus a plug and play finance tracking system so you always know your numbers and don’t have a panic attack come tax time. We’ll also cover exactly how to pay yourself a consistent salary even when your business income is all over the place and designing your week to balance design work, marketing tasks, internal projects and business tasks.

MODULE SIX – Legal & Taxes

The two vital things you really need to do from day 1 of starting your business, the bits you definitely want to cover in your client contract, and business insurance; what it is and why it’s a good idea. You’ll also learn everything you need to know about and prepare for tax-time and how to get help from the legal and tax experts who understand creative, online businesses – for free!

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Paige Brunton - Square Secrets 7.1

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