Patrich Chan – CB Passive Income 5.0

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Patrich Chan - CB Passive Income 5.0

Patrich Chan – CB Passive Income 5.0

For Patrich Chan – CB Passive Income 5.0

Hi, Patric Chan here.

In a time like this, during the down economy where some may even called it a recession…

Many businesses are affected badly and good products, even great products, are not being able to be marketed or sell successfully anymore.

In today’s video, I want to share with you about marketing and business during this economic crisis.

The interesting part is this – although many products are not able to sell right now, there are certain products that are still selling like crazy.

For instance, mask. It’s selling very well. There’s a huge demand for it and the reason is because of the tragic COVID-19 virus. The pandemic that is spreading all around the world.

In fact, as funny as it sounds, toilet rolls are selling very successfully at this moment of time too and it’s because of the panic and fear that’s happening with the virus (which, there’s no real correlation with each other).

Right Product Will Still Makes No Money During Down Economy

Now, to make it clear, this video is not to talk about the virus. I’m also not here to talk about recession but is to impart my knowledge about marketing with you and also, to touch about creating wealth.

So here’s the first thing that I want to share with you:

If we want to sell successfully, it’s not really about our products but what the market wants.

Thus, the secret to selling online during this time is…

You can only make money online by selling the RIGHT PRODUCT to the RIGHT MARKET.

For instance, the mask and the toilet rolls. It’s about riding on a “trend” of what the market wants and sell the products to them.

That’s just the first thing…

The second thing I want share with you is something more meaningful, it’s about WEALTH.

Millionaires And Billionaires Are Made During The Down Economy And Recession

There’s no deny that many millionaires, even billionaires, are made during the recession and down economy.

Now I want to make it clear that I’m not here to tell you that we should celebrate the down economy. Because it’s bad. It’s bad for many people and our loved ones.

But the reality is, it’s happening right now. You can hide away from it.

And you can try to survive and go through it bitterly, through a lot of challenges and fear…

Or you can be optimistic and ride on it to create wealth for yourself. Maybe, even able to help your family and love ones.

If you think about it, when is the best time to buy stocks and real estate?

During the down economy, right?

Like for instance, if you look at Apple or Microsoft stocks, I will probably think it’s pretty low at this moment of time.

Or look in your own country’s stock exchange. I mean if you’re not in U.S, you are with a different type of exchange. And chances are, the companies listed there, the stocks are plummeting, it’s going down. Same with real estates.

So if you have THE MONEY, you can go in and you can buy to hold.

And guess what – You could be creating wealth in the next 6 to 12 months.

Now I am not an oracle of wealth.

I do not know whether it’s going to take 6 months, 12 months, 3 years or 5 years…

But one thing I’m pretty sure is this – if I get blue chip stocks or prime real estate at below the market price today, eventually when the economy picks up again, I will be able to create MASSIVE WEALTH.


So here’s what you could be focusing on:

How can you use business as the vehicle to generate income right now and use that money to be invested in ASSETS that can create your wealth later on.

My friend, it’s all about riding on the trend, or should I say riding on the wave. When the wave comes up, you’re going to ride on it and take you to the whole next level…

“How You Can Generate An Additional Stream of Income From Nothing During The Down Economy And Invest It?”

The secret is to do it with zero risk – DO NOT use your own money to buy the stocks or assets. Here’s what I mean…

What if you make an additional $5,000 from an online business and you take this $5,000 to buy stocks at below the market price, without using your own money and definitely not from your savings.

You buy and you hold it – when the stocks rises up later on, you’ll be doubling your money!

Although I can’t promise you that it will be doubled, but the fact is it could doubled or even tripled. Who knows how the stocks is going to behave after this.

Or, you can just keep it to earn dividends each year, thus, you’ve just secured yourself a new passive income for life.

Of course – $5,000 USD is just a figure.

What if, you are able to generate additional $10,000 from thin air. Instead of using the the $10K to buy something for leisure, you use that to invest into stocks or real estate. That’s how you create wealth.

However, keep in mind that to ride on the wave, you have a relatively short window of opportunity right now.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to take advantage of others.

But this is what I’m suggesting to you – how you can still add value to the entire market by offering something that is valuable and in return for that, you’re able to make money.

Then use that money to invest in the asset that is underpriced at this moment of time.

So let’s go back to business-building topic…

The 3 Types Of Products That Will Sell During A Down Economy

So far, we have learned that the market is still buying – so long that we’re selling the right products to them.

Secondly, we should be smart to make as much money as possible so that we could invest them into underpriced assets like stocks and real estates. The best vehicle to make money right now would probably be an online business.

When we have the assets for “free” by using the profit we’ve made, we could keep them to make passive income or turn them into windfall of cash. Either way, I’m happy.

So what types of products that will still sell profitably on the internet, despite the current economy and COVID-19 pandemic?

We’ve tested, there are 3 key criteria that the market will still buy online…

Criteria #1: A Deal Offer

The first one is that you got to have a deal for the market to buy.

This means, you got to be selling something that’s below the market price. People are still buying.

People are still shopping on the Internet. In fact the e-commerce business may be even better at this moment of time because they wants to stay at home and shop, rather than going out to the malls or stores because of the pandemic.

You got to be offering deals. 

Criteria #2: Need

The second criteria is, you got to sell products where there is a “NEED” and not a “want”.

For instance, let’s say you’re selling a shirt. A shirt is something that they don’t need right now. There are plenty of shirts that they can wear, correct? They don’t need it right now.

What is a “need” then?

A need will be like food, right? But we’re not referring to that, because we’re not selling food. I’m not referring to food, shelter or any of those kind of human needs.

The message of “need” in here is what the consumer will still need at this moment of time. 

Let me give you an example…

If someone has a pet. Let’s say, a pet cat. The pet owner will still wants to make sure that the cat is healthy and probably, the cat owner still wants to train the cat, right?

So there is still a need to have that knowledge of “cat training” or “cat health” product.

Here’s another example…

Despite the down economy, if someone wants to lose weight, that person will still have the need to wanting to lose weight. So this person may still want to have the knowledge on how to lose weight or a product that can help him to achieve that.

Final example…

Let’s say someone is single and he or she wants to have a relationship. This person will still have the need to have that knowledge on how to attract another girl or a man. There’s still a need for that.

Do you see what I mean? So it doesn’t means that you need to sell mask or toilet rolls.

Criteria #3: An Affordable Product (Inexpensive)

The third criteria is the price must be affordable.

I mean, before the down economy, someone could spend more for certain products. But right now, the market is more careful with their spendings. But if it’s within a reasonable price, they do not mind to spend, if it’s a good deal and it’s a need.

So these are three key criteria – Good deal, need and reasonable price.

When you have 3 of these for your product, you will be able to sell. The market still buy it, especially on the internet.

You will be selling and making money online every day with this kind of product.

By now, I hope that you have learned some good marketing insights here.


However, not everyone can take advantage of this knowledge I’ve shared because you may not have products of your own, or products with deals to sell.

Also, your product may not be in need right now or it’s not one of those affordable products that the market can afford.

I mean, you could have a product of your own. I don’t know, maybe shirts or something, right? Even though you can have a good deal for your shirt, but there’s no need for someone to buy a shirt at this moment of time.


The good news is, there’s a way how you can solve this immediately.

With the right knowledge, you could source from thousands of products where they are having deals, products that the market need and affordable for them to purchase!

You DO NOT NEED to have your own products.

Because your FOCUS is to generate income as quickly as possible and use that money to build your wealth. Let me make it clear to you – we’re not keen to pursue passions or trying to sell our own products to be happy, that’s going to wasting a lot of resources and time during this economic crisis.

But you have to get started as soon as possible because you want to make money fast…

The faster you start, the better it is going to be for you because I do not know how long this whole down economy is going to be.

This is why I want to help you by releasing the Operation Recession Takeover…

The Operation Recession Takeover

This compressive program is specifically tailored to help you to make money as fast as possible during this critical time by selling products that the market is still buying.

It’s to help you to generate income so that you have cash to invest for your future.

I’m going to show you how you can launch your affiliate campaign in just 5 days after you completed the Operation Recession Takeover class.

Which means, in just 5 days, you could be in business to having it up and running. And you could be someone who has no experience or totally newbie and it’s fine. If you can follow the plan, you can start to see sales coming in.

Frankly, this is probably the fastest system I’ve ever created to get someone to get started and start making sales from affiliate marketing.

So 30 days from now, you could be pocketing an extra maybe $3,000 in your bank account. Then, you could be using this money to lock-in stocks.

This way, you could be buying stocks with the income that you have made, not from your own savings.

Just feel this – how nice would it be if you start having Microsoft shares, Apple shares and so on for free because you didn’t use your own money to buy?

Of course I’m not sure whether you make $3,000 in 30 days or just $1,000 or even $10,000. It’s up to you on how much you are going to scale the entire system.

Operation Recession Takeover, the entire system, is a program that we will sell for $500 (to be more precised, $499).

However, let’s face it. It’s recession time right now. You would also want to be careful with your cash, true? I mean, I’m just being very transparent with you.

So instead of offering it for $499, I’m just going to offer it for only $49! Which is 90% discount of what it’s supposed to be offered at.

“Why Am I Making It So Affordable For You Today?”

Because I just want to help you to get started so that you don’t lose out this opportunity.

The fact is, this economy crash is happening right now. It will be a waste if you don’t ride on it. If you think about it, you should probably be doing this not just for yourself. If you have a family, it’s for them because it’s creating a brighter future.

If you ask me, what I’ll get back in return by sharing my knowledge and system, it’s very simple – I’m always a long-term thinker. I’m a long-term entrepreneur.

Look – if I can help you to make $3,000 or even just as little as $1,000 and you started seeing money within the next 2 weeks, who would you learn from when the economy picks up back?

When the economy picks up, the person who you think of, hopefully, it’s going to be me.

I mean, I have workshops and other programs. I have one-on-one mentoring program where it’s offered at $10,000. But I don’t expect you to join any of those program this moment of time. When you make money, then join them.

Alright, the details are all included below. So I hope that you get started with Operation Recession Takeover as soon as possible and I’ll see you inside then. Take care.

Join The Operation Recession Takeover Today

This program was created with the intention to help my subscribers and customers to earn income as quickly as possible in the slow economy – whether they need a new income stream to support themselves and their family or simply, to generate an extra income to invest in assets during this economic crisis.

With the consideration of the current economy, the program is only offered for just a one-time affordable investment of just $497 $49 today.


When you join Operation Recession Takeover, I’ll also be giving you 2 highly valuable bonuses for free.

The first one is my “Swipe Copy Secret” presentation. This is taken from one of my classes where I’ll share with you the resources of swipe files that you can use to prepare your ads, email copies and even webpage copy! This means, even if you are a beginner when it comes to copywriting, this is going to help you “copy” and customize for your own copies.

Then in this presentation, I’ll share with you where you can learn copywriting for free.


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!