Practice SQL JOINS with 20 Query Challenges

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Practice SQL JOINS with 20 Query Challenges

Practice SQL JOINS with 20 Query Challenges

For Practice SQL JOINS with 20 Query Challenges

What you’ll learn

Solve 20 intermediate-level query challenges that all incorporate JOINS
Make JOINS of up to 4 or 5 tables in the same query
Know when to use LEFT and RIGHT JOINS, vs INNER JOINS
Know how to add aliases to all of their JOINS

Course content
Expand 23 lectures02:14:47
Welcome to 20 Queries!
How to access the course
Challenge #1
Challenge #2
Challenge #3
Challenge #4
Challenge #5
Challenge #6
Challenge #7
Challenge #8
Challenge #9
Challenge #10
Challenge #11
Challenge #12
Challenge #13
Challenge #14
Challenge #15
Challenge #16
Challenge #17
Challenge #18
Challenge #19
Challenge #20
20 Queries Wrap Up

No software is required
You should have taken our “Learn SQL Fundamentals Through 10 Pratice Problems” course, or have a working knowledge of SQL General knowledge of JOINS


Ready for more SQL practice?

“Practice SQL JOINS With 20 Query Challenges” is the next step in your journey to master SQL.

In our first course, “Learn SQL Fundamentals With 10 Practice Problems”, we covered the basics of making a query, filtering, joins, and subqueries. It was a great start, but you are going to need more if you really want to get a job in SQL.

In this course, we focus specifically on taking your skill with making JOINS to the next level! Each problem will require you to form a JOIN, and sometimes you’ll have to 4-5 JOINS to get the right answer. But don’t worry, as always, you can check out our video explanations if you get stuck.

Just like our intro course, there are two parts to this course – the videos, and the actual hands-on practice. The Udemy course only gets you access to the video overview of each query challenge – to actually try your hand at the query challenges, you need to sign up on our website (this is free, we show you how to do it in the first lecture). Once you finish a challenge (or if you get stuck), check back on the Udemy videos to see how we did it.

This is an intermediate level course for people who already have a basic understanding of how SQL works. Now don’t let that scare you away if you are a gung-ho beginner – just know that if that is you, you are going to have to learn quick and be willing to search terms if you don’t recognize them.
Who this course is for:

People who have taken our “Learn SQL Fundamentals Through 10 Pratice Problems” course
People who want to improve their understanding of JOINS
People who need more SQL practice problems
People who want a job in SQL
People who want to learn SQL to get a raise
People who want to learn SQL to get a promotion

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!