Rabia Hayek – Omnibreath

$37.00 $98.00 Sale

Rabia Hayek - Omnibreath

Rabia Hayek – Omnibreath

For Rabia Hayek – Omnibreath

Keys to Mastering Your Breath

Present & Focused

Conscious Breathing assists you in cultivating awareness in all areas of your life, beginning with awareness on the breath itself. Conscious breathing techniques have been utilized in ancient Eastern traditions to master the capabilities of body, mind and spirit and have them moving in one powerful direction. As we become more and more aware of each breath that we take, we are reminded of something quite profound… Rabia Hayek, Founder and Visionary of Do As One and Omnibreath says, “We can not take a past or future breath, the breath is always definitively in the present.”

Energy & Longevity 

When we learn to master and apply healthy breathing techniques, we immediately begin to transform our life structures, beginning first with our health and well-being. The average adult is breathing 12,000 to 25,000 breaths per day and most of their breathing is habitually taking place high up in their chest. In effect, putting stress on the heart and the nervous system. Optimal breathing causes us to feel better by breathing better and then we start seeing the reflection of this optimal lifestyle in other areas: our relationships, our livelihood, our creativity and more.

Connection & Oneness

Synchronous Breathing is the divine technology that has been around for thousands of years that reminds us that we are all connected. Synchronous Breathing gives us the opportunity to experience Oneness through the power of simultaneous group breathing. Whether it is just two individuals or a large group consciously breathing together, we have the potential and the power to connect like we never have before and contribute more peace and happiness to the entire planet. Synchronous Breathing helps us dissolve any sense of separation in order to experience our unity and connection with all of life.

“If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. From my own experience and from working with patients, I have come to believe that proper breathing is the master key to good health.”
— Dr. Andrew Weil

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