Robert Bly and James Hillman – Men and the Wild Chid Workshop


Robert Bly and James Hillman - Men and the Wild Chid Workshop

Robert Bly and James Hillman – Men and the Wild Chid Workshop

For Robert Bly and James Hillman – Men and the Wild Chid Workshop

Robert Bly lives on a farm in his native state of Minnesota. He edited The Seventies magazine, which he founded as The Fifties and in the next decade called The Sixties. In 1966, with David Ray, he organized American Writers Against the Vietnam War. The Light Around the Body, which won the National Book Award in 1968, was strongly critical of the war in Vietnam and of American foreign policy. Since publication of Iron John: A Book About Men (1990), a response to the women’s movement, Bly has been immensely popular, appearing on talk shows and advising men to retrieve their primitive masculinity through wildness. Bly is also a translator of Scandinavian literature, such as Twenty Poems of Tomas Transtromer. Through the Sixties Press and the Seventies Press, he introduced little-known European and South American poets to American readers. His magazines have been the center of a poetic movement involving the poets Donald Hall, Louis Simpson, and James Wright.

James Hillman was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey on April 12, 1926. He attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University for two years before joining the Navy’s Hospital Corps in 1944. He studied English literature in Paris at the Sorbonne and graduated with a degree in mental and moral science from Trinity College in Dublin. In 1953, he moved to Zurich and enrolled at the C. G. Jung Institute. In 1959, he became the director of studies at the institute and stayed in that position for the next 10 years. He wrote over 20 books including Suicide and the Soul, Re-Visioning Psychology, and The Soul’s Code. He died due to complications of bone cancer on October 27, 2011 at the age of 85.

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