Robert Johnson – In Search of the Holy Grad Understanding Masculine Psychology


Robert Johnson - In Search of the Holy Grad Understanding Masculine Psychology

Robert Johnson – In Search of the Holy Grad Understanding Masculine Psychology

For Robert Johnson – In Search of the Holy Grad Understanding Masculine Psychology


I’ve watched this film change many lives! – –Linda Anson, Psychotherapist, Bellvue WA

This DVD is beautiful and important. – –Bob Dickens, Board Member, Charlotte Friends of Jung.

What a great work…and such beautiful shots! Thanks again for putting that work out there! –Pittman McGehee
About the Actor

Robert A. Johnson, D. Hum., was born born in 1921 in Portland, Oregon. He attended the University of Oregon and Stanford University before studying under Fritz Kunkel in Los Angeles. This eventually led to study at the C. G.. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland where he studied under Emma Jung. Later he did further work under Tony Sussman in London, England. In the early 1950 s Robert established an analytical practice with Helen Luke in Los Angeles, California and became at this time a father to her two young boys. After Helen s youngest was successfully launched Robert left his busy analytical practice to enter a Benedictine monastery in Michigan. He left the monastery after four years to establish Saint Johns House, a retreat center, where he specialized in the synthesis of Christianity and the work of C. G. Jung. For over ten years Robert was a resident lecturer at Saint Paul s Episcopal Church in San Diego, working with its priest Jack Sanford to make a bridge between traditional Christianity and depth psychology. In 1973 Robert s interest in mythology took him to India where he began a study of the great Hindu Epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. He soon abandoned his studies to spend more time making friends and soaking in the Eastern world. Robert returned to India annually for over twenty years. He established deep friendships with many of the people he met. Through the years Robert saw much of India, but he preferred to spend the vast majority of his Indian life in the southeastern coastal city of Pondicherry. In 1974 one of Robert s lectures was published by the Religious Publishing Company of Pennsylvania with the title HE! Robert became a best selling author when this small publisher was purchased by HarperCollins, eventually reaching millions of people with his books. Currently Robert is mostly retired from writing, traveling and lecturing, preferring to attend to his garden and visit with friends.

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