Robert Moore – Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives


Robert Moore - Coping with Grandiosity in Our LivesRobert Moore – Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives

Presented at the Oblate School of Theology’s 2014 Summer Institute conference, Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives: The Deity and the Dragon Inside Us, continues Dr. Robert Moore’s important research on the growing epidemic of grandiosity and unregulated energy, and what we can do about it. Each of the following presentations includes a lecture followed by question and answer session with the audience.

LECTURE 1:  The Flood: Facing the Growing Global Epidemic of Grandiosity

LECTURE 2:  Understanding Our Need for a Psycho-Spiritual Ark

LECTURE 3:  The Real Ark: Building the Followship of the Golden Dragon

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