Scott Jeffrey – Centering MasterWork

$26.00 $97.00 Sale

Scott Jeffrey – Centering MasterWork

A powerful approach to cultivating self-awareness

Centering MasterWork is a unique course that provides vital tools for developing self-leadership skills.

Inspired by a synthesis of Taoist alchemy, depth psychology, transpersonal theory, and Chan Buddhism, the principles in Centering MasterWork are foundational for anyone who wants to do inner work (including getting to know your shadow).

In Centering MasterWork, you’ll have access to 12 core video lessons with transcripts, in-depth tutorials, detailed guided audio training sessions, and other valuable resources.

Centering MasterWork can help you:

  • Cultivate sustainable levels of self-awareness
  • Reduce fear, self-doubt, and anxiety quickly
  • Develop higher consciousness using ancient methods
  • Generate and sustain greater levels of mental energy
  • Foster unprecedented levels of focus and attention

Centering MasterWork is a self-awareness training course that uses alchemical methods for internal transformation.

This program provides a grounded approach to accessing more of your innate potential.

Including hands-on guided audio training sessions

The Centering MasterWork course is designed to help you increase your self-awareness.

To help integrate the material in this course, you’ll gain access to a guided training program that will take you through the principles you learn in the course, step-by-step.

These additional audio sessions are, in my opinion, worth the value of this entire program.

Is Centering the same as meditation?

Centering and meditation are close cousins. But they are not the same thing.

Formal sitting meditation has loads of documented benefits.

The challenge, however, is that even if you enter a state of stillness for a few minutes during a morning meditation, that state tends to end moments after you finish meditating.

It’s the nature of our busy lives.

The centering process that’s covered in Centering MasterWork has many physical aspects that aren’t part of most meditation methods.

Plus, you’re going to learn how to start holding to your Center throughout the day—not just at regularly scheduled intervals.

That said, if you already have a daily meditation practice, the principles in Centering MasterWork can certain help enhance your practice.

Here’s what you’ll get in Scott Jeffrey – Centering MasterWork

Scott Jeffrey - Centering MasterWork


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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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